First Day of Advent

Today is the first day of Advent, and our family is excited to once again study through 25 different names of Jesus as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth.

We pray you'll take time to remember Jesus during this busy time of the year and that in return you will find yourself drawn closer to him.

We just finished hanging our Names of Jesus Advent Garland and making our tomato cage tree last night. They both fit perfectly in our small space and the little ones were so excited when they came downstairs this morning.

(The tree was super simple and only required a small tomato cage and 2 sets of lights. We simply turned the tomato cage upside down and wrapped the lights around it. We started at the bottom and wrapped the top tightly to pull the top part into a point.)

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How does your family celebrate Advent and prepare for Christmas?
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  1. I would never have thought of making a tomato cage tree, but I love the way it looks.
    I also love the idea of 25 names of Jesus. What a sweet way to look forward to Christmas.

  2. That is so clever! The tree looks gorgeous and I love how you are keeping Jesus the main focus. Have a blessed holiday. I am a new Twitter and GFC follower visiting from Delicate Construction. Vicky from Mess For Less

  3. We also made a Christmas tree out of a tomato cage...but we added snowflakes as well as the lights.

    Kristen@Turning a House into a Home


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Tim, Allyson and kids