Blogs I Enjoy

Money Saving Tips & Tricks
Money Saving Mom

Other Great Mom Blogs
A Day In the Life of Mama
Bits & Pieces From My Life
Diary of a Stay-At-Home Mom
Heavenly Homemakers
I Am Mommy
Keeper of the Home
Making Home
Passionate Homemaking
Preschoolers and Peace

Organizing Blogs
I'm An Organizing Junkie
Organized Everyday

Food & Recipe Blogs
$5 Dinners
A Year of Crock Potting
Gourmet Momma
Tammy's Recipes
The Full Table

Review & Giveaway Blogs*
Wee Share
Familylicious Reviews & Giveaways

We feel that the links listed above are God-honoring, however we do not necessarily agree with or endorse every little thing written thereon. We urge you to always examine everything written here and elsewhere to make sure it is in line with the perfect Word of God found in the Bible.

*We do not neccessarily support or agree with every item that is reviewed, but we do enjoy entering several of the giveaways that are hosted by these blogs.

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Tim, Allyson and kids