We've been married since March of 2005. Some times it feels like we've been together forever. But there are other days when we kick ourselves for not having this marriage thing figured out yet. In the end, we are simply two sinners in desperate need of God's grace. A little grace from each other doesn't hurt either.

Those four little kiddos make us so happy. But don't get me wrong, life is definitely not all roses and there are plenty of times that they drive us crazy.

We try to take our task as parents very seriously, we're sure you do, too. The privileged of bringing up these four beautiful (and highly rambunctious) children is definitely a tall order. We thought we had it just about figured out with our first, but then our second was born...then our third...then our fourth. Whew, time sure does fly when you're not sleeping through the night!

Joking aside, Tim and I know that it is our responsibility to train our children in the way God would have us and to be examples of godliness in their lives. Parenting with purpose is a whole lot harder then just letting them run the roost, but we know that the hard work we put in now will set the groundwork for a more joyful family in the future.

Tim and I both strive to make our family the most important thing in our lives, after our relationship with God. We both slip up from time to time, but we encourage one another to keep pressing on. Maybe you could use a little encouragement as well?

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Tim is a great husband and daddy! He is a true visionary and a very hard worker. He's also an early bird and is up before the sun on most mornings. Tim has a heart for sharing his faith with others and would love to be involved in full-time ministry one day.

A few years ago, Tim discovered a passion for gardening. A year later our garden was actually double the square footage of our house! Since the beginning of his gardening adventure, Tim has been committed to learning more about organic and sustainable gardening practices. He is determined to garden on a limited budget and uses creative ways to get the most bang for his buck. I help out a little, but normally only when I can do it without getting too hot (I get cranky when I sweat). Tim loves to share about what he's learning in the garden and dreams of having a little homestead of our own.

I love being a wife and mom! In my spare time (ha, what's that?) I can be found elbows deep in what ever craft project I've recently discovered. I've done everything from sewing bridesmaids' dresses to building bookshelves. I love trying my hand at new crafts, but I will admit that I have a difficult time committing to just one thing. These days, my projects are typically the quick and easy variety that can be squeezed into a nap time or at the most a couple of evenings. 

I also love blogging, sharing blogging tips and making printables for our kids to use in homeschooling. My background is elementary education, and I've always wanted to homeschool my children. While it has always been a desire of mine, this past year has shown me the reality that it will not always be easy. Although some days are rough going I love seeing my children grasp a concept for the first time and knowing that I was a small part of making that possible!

Together we enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Tim loves cooking. I love baking. And we both love eating. Over time our eating habits have changed to include more real foods and less and less processed "foods." We are committed to taking care of our bodies through the things we choose to put in our mouths. This is definitely a place of growing for us, but we'd love for you to join on as we learn together.

All in all, we love sharing what we've learned from our successes (& failures) in order to help you save time and a few tough lessons along the way. 

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  1. I wanted to invite you to "The Conservative Homeschooler"
    As a homeschooling mom, I am concerned about the future of my children and country.
    So I joined "The Conservative Homeschooler" http://conservativehomeschooler.ning.com/
    If you, too are concerned about your childrens and countrys future, Please join me!
    God bless us mothers and give us courage and wisdom!
    A sister in Christ,
    Hannah @ http://preparingforourchildrensfuture.blogspot.com/

  2. I think your blog mission will fit nicely with a big initiative I'm starting this month:

    You are cordially invited...

    ...to Mind the Microwave in May.

    Mind the Mic in May is an initiative sponsored by Kitchen Stewardship to encourage people to become more aware of their microwave use and consider alternative options.

    In spite of conflicting research on the issue, it seems that if there's a chance microwaves denature food or emit radiation, we ought not expose our bodies (and especially our kiddos) to food that is less-than-healthy if we can help it.

    Mind the Microwave in May is a simple, non-threatening Baby Steps Challenge to help you move in that direction.

    I invite you to join me on this journey, both personally and via your blog. Please visit the invite post here (www.kitchenstewardship.com/2009/05/05/mind-mic-invite/) for more information. I'd be honored if you'd share this initiative with your blog readers and add my button to your sidebar for the month. You can pledge in via a Mr. Linky at the invite post. There's also a fun widget on my site where you can come to tally up your minutes and see the total of all minutes saved for the month.

  3. I love your alphabet printables. Do you have the remainder for purchase? You show A and L; I am a Preschool Teacher and my children loved the ones you had for the letter A. Thank you Tammy from Iowa

  4. Would you perhaps like to review any of my books on your blog? I am happy to provide one free copy for a giveaway too.


Thank you so much for stopping by! We love hearing from you and enjoy reading each comment.

I love replying to comments, so please consider showing your email address in your Blogger profile so I can respond. Thanks!

Tim, Allyson and kids