Wordless Wednesday ~ Laundry Love

When our son, Jonathan, was born 4 weeks early, he was so small that he fit in a small laundry basket. We used the laundry basket to move him with us from room to room throughout the day.

Last week, our daughter, Emahry decided it was her turn.

Read more about Jonathan's exciting birth here.

Check out more Wordless Wednesday posts at 5 Minutes for Mom .


  1. Oh, how sweet!! I love your photos! And even sweeter is that you would move him around in his little laundry basket. First time to your site- will explore more!

    Happy W.W!!

    Jen from God's Shining Stars

    You can also find me at -
    http://raisingcreativeandcuriouskids.blogspot.com (ideas to inspire creativity and curiosity)

    http://literaturelink-jen.blogspot.com(book reviews and activities)

  2. Awww, I remember (vaguely) when mine were small enough to lay in the baskets...now they are more like your older one & just play in them. In fact, my oldest frequently "borrows" them & I have to snatch them out of her room just to do laundry!

  3. What great pictures...such memories they must bring!

  4. Oh how sweet! The basket will be a good way to see how much he has grown!

  5. We used to use the laundry basket for the same purposes with our kids! And good job guessing my kids you got them right :)

  6. What great pictures, I love the middle one, he's so cute!

  7. Your babies are precious.

    I nominated you for an award over on my blog.... =)


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Tim, Allyson and kids