10 Small Things

10 Small Things that Make My Everyday Life Easier
(in no particular order)

1. Hot Shot ~ Normally we only make tea for one or two people at a time. Our Hot Shot makes a small quantity of hot water so much quicker than a teapot.

2. Coconut Oil ~ We recently discovered this remarkable oil. We've been using it for cooking and baking, but also as a leave in hair conditioner and face moisturizer. We're even planning to make our own deodorant using coconut oil.

3. Scripture Cards ~ As a busy mom of two young children, I don't have very many opportunities to sit down for a long quite time with God. Having scripture posted around the house really helps me to focus on him throughout the day. I'm in the process of creating a set of Alphabet Psalms cards to help myself memorize 26 verses from the book of Psalms. Keep an eye out for them in the next month or so.

Search & Win
4. Swagbucks ~ We've started trading in our swagbucks for free gift cards. This is such a simple way to receive free things for our home and garden. If you'd like more information about how you can get free gift cards and more, read our original post about Swagbucks.

5. Smiles ~ I'm so blessed to have these daily reminders of the importance of my job as a mom.

6. Blender ~ We've really been enjoying making and drinking green smoothies recently. They are so delicious and healthy. Read our recipe here.

7. Sun Oxygen Cleaner ~ This natural and inexpensive cleaning supply is so universal I use it almost every day. It can be used as a laundry booster or surface cleaner. Check out this article for more natural cleaning products.

8. CDs ~ I'm one of those people who is highly effected by music. I have a selection of "up & at 'em" music and a group of "sit back & relax" CDs.

9. Free Samples ~ I know I'm not the only one who loves checking the mail to see what free goodies have been delivered. I normally get to the mailbox before the mail truck gets to the next house. (Join Freefly's to get great free samples of name brand products also visit Money Saving Mom for tons of freebie alerts.)

10. Our blog ~ I love being able to share our life with you. Sometimes I feel like our blog is my own small connection to the outside world. Our blog is also like our own family journal, chronicling our life together. It makes me happy to think that I'll be able to look back on this in a few years and see how far we've come as God continues to bless our life with more of himself.

Head over to i am mommy to read Amanda's post about her 10 Small Things.

These are things that work for me!


  1. Thank you for such a great couple of posts! I went and got my code for a free Redbox movie! I am DEFINITELY going to make the deoderant. I, too, have tried all sorts of natural ones that just haven't worked for me. So, since you said you've had the same problem in the past but this one worked - I'm giving it a shot. I actually made my own once out of baking soda, cornstarch and water. You had to dampen it to put it on, but it kept crumbling. Anyway, I'm excited about trying your recipe. Lastly, I totally understand about feeling like blogging can be a connection to the outside world. Funny isn't it?

    Have a great day!

  2. Wow! I didn't know there were so many uses for Coconut Oil. I had never even thought of buying it. How fun!!

  3. Loved your ideas! Quick, yet helpful. I've heard great things about the hot shot ... hmmmm ... Thanks!

  4. I just recently got some coconut oil and didn't realize all the uses for it. Thanks for sharing! :D

  5. This is a GREAT list!! Sorry it took me so long to get here...was on vacation!

    I love the great pictures and the GREAT tips on being mroe green and coconut oil. Lenandjoe.org has great info on coconut oil as well!~

    Well done!

    Many blessings-


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Tim, Allyson and kids