Happy Anniversary, Tim!

I am so blessed to be married to my wonderful husband. Even on the rough days, I wouldn't trade him for a million Gilbert Blyths or Mr. Darcys. :)

As a little trip down memory lane, here are some photos from our wedding.

Four years ago today.

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Celebrate our anniversary with us by leaving a comment.


  1. Happy Anniversary to you! I enjoyed looking at your scrapbook very much. Congratulations on the start of your very own "Epic Journey."

  2. Happy Anniversary to you, Happy Anniversary to you, Happy Anniversary Tim and Allyson, Happy Anniversary to you...and many more! (That was me singing to you.)Wishing you many, many, years of joys and contentment together. Pam

  3. Congratulations! Such beautiful photos and beautiful memories. A God-centered marriage is beautiful in every way!

  4. Congratulations! Such beautiful photos and beautiful memories. A God-centered marriage is beautiful in every way!

  5. Happy Anniversary, and Happy Thankful Thursday! Great pics.

  6. Happy Anniversary, may you be blessed with many more happy years.


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Tim, Allyson and kids