How I Spent My Yesterday...

thanking God for my husband who took care of the house so I could rest after being up with teething children for most of the night...

brushing little blonde curls that seem to have changed from baby hair overnight...

capturing the memory of soft baby hands on my face...

delighting in watching Emahry and Jonathan begin to play together...

reevaluating my cleaning schedule...

trying to set realistic goals...

singing with Tim...

watching Emahry dance...

staring into precious eyes...

thanking God for life and family...

remembering God's forgiveness...

being amazed...

How did you spend yours?

Visit my friend Kristin to see my inspiration for this post and read how she spent her yesterday.

To see what others are grateful for this week visit Heavenly Homemakers.


  1. I am so happy that your husband was there for you, it sounds like God has blessed you with a wonderful husband! I hope the teething gets better and you are able to get some rest!

  2. I too feel blessed that my husband will drop whatever he's doing to help out if I'm overly tired. What a beautiful post!


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Tim, Allyson and kids