Tackle-It Tuesday ~ Organized Kids' Shelves

With a very small house (936 square feet) and increasingly more kids' stuff, we decided we needed a way to help them keep their things neat and organized. This system has been working for two weeks now, so I feel fairly confident that with continued training this method will work for our family.

In our living room we have a large cubical style bookshelf. We've designated the bottom two shelves to kids' toys and books. The top two shelves hold books that belong to Tim and me, CDs, and movies.

We had been simply shoving all of Emahry's toys into the cubes on the bottom shelves, which inevitable meant that toys were constantly falling all over the floor.

When Jonathan was born, we received these wonderful plastic bins and had planned to use them on the bookshelf in the children's room. However, a couple of weeks ago, I decided they would be put to better use organizing the living room shelves.

So after some purging and reorganizing we have two neat and organized shelves for the kids' toys and books. Jonathan even got his own baby toy bin. The bins help Emahry keep things together. They also make it easy to pick up toys since we can just place the bin on the floor where she can fill it and then place it back on the shelf. Emahry already know what goes in each bin and where each bin goes.

In case you're interested, this is how we divided the toys. (bottom shelf first, from left to right)

Jonathan's Baby Toys, Wooden Alphabet Blocks, Miscellaneous Toys (these are rotated out every couple of weeks with toys that are put away in the children's bedroom), Emahry's Little Things (small toys and miscellaneous objects that Emahry likes to play with). Emahry's dolls, More dolls and a baby wipes container of Little Books, Books.

Now if I could just get around to organizing Tim's and my things on the top two shelves :)

Check out more tackles at 5 Minutes for Mom. To see what others are grateful for this week visit Heavenly Homemakers.


  1. A house can't have enough shelves. Good job organizing yours :)

  2. Looks lovely! My kids are old enough now that I have finally put all of the toys from the living room into their own rooms. Gone are the days that I need to keep them within sight at all times. That stage will free up some space in your bookcase for your own books :-)


  3. It looks great!! Awesome tackle:-)

  4. I just love the way it feels to get something organized. Good job on your shelves! I have some of those white plastic bins, too and they really are wonderful for many things!

  5. Great job! We have the same bins and they have grown with us for 6 years now and they are still going strong. I really need to rework our play area again, thanks for the reminder :-)

  6. Looks great!!! I love the shelves!

  7. LOVE the bins! I've seen them somewhere before...

  8. Hi guys,
    Aunt Jo here, sure do miss seeing all of you, what beautiful children, must take after their Aunt, hehe!!
    Went to Aunt Deb's for Easter and had a great time, Grandparents stayed on, will be home sometime next week.
    Kept busy during the week, Denni has Track practice after school everyday and 2 nights a week has volleyball camp, enjoying both. Her and BFF Shelby do the disc throw and the shot putt, doing good in both. Right now at a school dance with a Hawaiian theme, she wore a grass skirt over her capri's and a lei around her neck and a flower in her hair.
    Hope you are all well,
    Love to all,
    Aunt Jo


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Tim, Allyson and kids