Blitz It Friday ~ Clean Sweep

My mom was here all morning helping me complete a set of curtains for our bedroom. While it was great to finally have curtains up (thanks, Mom!) the rest of the house was looking a little neglected from lack of cleaning this morning and sewing supplies strewn everywhere.

The goals of my blitz were to:

1. Move clothes to dryer.

2. Put away all sewing supplies.

3. Wash dishes.

4. Wipe down kitchen counters.

5. Sweep kitchen floor.

6. Clean out rabbit cage & feed rabbits. (Did I mention we got rabbits, more on that later.)

7. Cover cold frame for the night.

8. Clean off table. Well, I got it straightened and all the papers in ONE pile.

9. Tidy Living room.

I feel much better about the house now. I'm heading to put the kids to bed and maybe fold some laundry (or maybe I'll just call it a night and go to bed myself).

Head over to Organized Everyday to see other Blitzes for this week.


  1. Good job! Thanks for participating! Getting papers into a pile is a good thing. Paperwork requires a different session, don't you think? I'm always so encouraged when I see a big pile of things that people get done each week!

  2. I've found the best time to pick up is in the evening because the house actually stays clean for awhile :)

  3. Thats a lot of stuff!! Great Blitz!!

  4. Way to go, you got a lot accomplished!


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Tim, Allyson and kids