Blog Button with Text Box for Code

I'm sure you've seen lots of blogs that have a button like this with a scrolling text box underneath that houses the button's code. This makes it easy for other people to place your blog's button on their blog and link effortlessly to you.

Although this is relatively easy, it was difficult to find directions that worked and were easy to understand. To place a button with a text box for code on your blog you need to have a button saved on the Internet (we use photobucket) and the following code. (This code has been tested for Blogger.)

The 4-Week Online Class: Profitable Blogging for Beginners
In Blogger under Layout, choose to add a gadget. Choose HTML/Javascript. In the title box, type something like "Get My Button". Now simply copy and paste the code below into the text box. Replace the colored information with your blog's information and your button's web address (for more information on how to get a web address for your button click here). Save and position the button where you want it. Save your changes and view your blog.

<center><a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/" target="_blank" title="BLOG TITLE"><img alt="BLOG TITLE" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/></a> <center>
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="13" name="code-source"><center><a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/"><img border="0" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/></a></center></textarea></center>

Make sure that there is only one http:// before your web address and before the image web address. If you copy and paste you may need to delete an extra http:// in order for the code to work. 

Turn Your Blog Into Cash!You can adjust the height and width of the text box by changing the values after the rows= and cols= places in the code above.

Here's an example of what the code will look like with the information filled in.

Add here's what the gadget section should look like on your blog.

Now, go add a button to your blog so all your readers can place it on their blogs. While you're at it, why not get our button?

What to know how to leave an embedded link in a comment?

Turn Your Blog Into Cash!

Please, let me know if this post was helpful to you. If it doesn't work, please, double check the code to make sure you haven't accidentally deleted something. Still need help? Leave us a comment and we'll try to help you figure out the problem.

Many people have asked how to do this in Wordpress. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea since I've only used Blogger. Sorry, guys!
Be sure to click the link in the first email to activate your subscription.


  1. It WORKS! Thank you so much! I'm so thrilled right now that I made a blog button for an upcoming series of giveaways and now I can share it! :-) Thanks again!

  2. What a great "how to"! I think I will link to this is my weekend link love.

  3. Thank you so much for this. I have tried to make buttons a couple of times, and have had terrible trouble with it. I'm pretty html savvy (I think!) but everywhere I've found directions has been convoluted or confusing at best. I am definitely going to link your post here as well. THANK YOU!!

  4. thanks for sharing this many new bloggers like me need it

  5. THANK YOU! I have been wondering how to do this and have been unable to find instructions. I am definitely going to give it a try!

  6. I want to tell you THANKS SO MUCH for the easy to understand tutorial. You can check out my button on my blog!

  7. Thank you....I want to make buttons of my own....and I was sure I could do it.
    Now I feel confident that I can do it.

    Gonna try soon.
    Can I use some of the stuff from my blog design to create one?
    I have it saved on there somewhere.
    Just wondering.

  8. Wanda, I don't see why not, unless the design is protected by someone else's copyright.

    If you've been given permission to use it in anyway you wish then I'd say go right ahead.

  9. Thanks for sharing this! I can't wait to try it!

  10. Good tip...If it weren't for my techy hubbie I never would have known how to do it. When I was new to blogging I searched and searched and couldn't figure it out.

    Way to share!


  11. Yea - this is wonderful. I keep having to have others do this, and I would love to have my son do it for :)

  12. Someone just blogged a question about this today. I will be directing her to your post. Thanks again for the one you made!! I love it!

  13. So happy I found your blog, I could have never posted my button without your finally worked and I am thankful.

  14. I still need to grab a picture for by button but this is so easy to follow, thanks! I got your name from Heather over at Just Doing My Best! Thanks again, Shannon at Up Too Early

  15. Thanks so much for sharing, it worked!
    I only have a problem and was wondering if you knew what I did wrong. When I try to grab my code button I can´t do it by right clicking and copy. I tried to do it again several times and just doesn´t work. If you can help me out, please email me at

  16. And who said I was a technotard? Look at me now...I just created my very own button! Thanks to you guys I have a reason to brag about my html skills. Wow.

  17. awesome tutorial! I've created my button, but the image does not show up... any thoughts?

  18. This is a great tutorial! I have one question... how do you actually create the inage for the button? I tried with a picture in photoshop but it keeps saving it in a weird format that I can;t upload to the internet. Is there somewhere I can just make it online instead of using my own picture?

  19. Yeah, I did it! It's a very "simple button" but it took me days of tying. Your tutorial was great, I'm just techno challenged.

  20. Thanks so much for sharing this! I needed to make a button after I won free advertising in a contest. I used to create my button and followed your simple instructions!

    IT WORKS! :)

    Thanks so much!

  21. Thank you so much, I was wondering how everyone had a button except me? Now I do!! It worked.

    Thanks again,

  22. It works!
    Take a look at my blog please..

    Thank you

  23. Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for!

  24. thanks this was just what i needed!

  25. Thanks so much for sharing

    I have a problem and was wondering if you knew what I did wrong. When I try to grab my code button I can´t do it by right clicking and copy. I tried to do it again several times and just doesn´t work. If you can help me out, please email me at


  26. I tried several tutorials and yours was the only one that worked perfectly. It was also the easiest to follow. THANK YOU!!!


  27. Yessss! I did it. Thank you for this perfect post of how to add a button to your blog. Fabulous!

  28. Thank you so much for the easy directions. I would never have figured it out without you.

  29. Okay.... so I tried to do this and am able to create a button on my page, but when I post it onto my blog you don't actually see a button. Just a little box with an X and my blog title next to it. When you click it it takes you to my page, but I am not sure why the actually button isn't there. Can you help?

    mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com

  30. I've been reading directions to make a blog button since yesterday, THANK YOU for making it easy!!

  31. You have truly simplied this process. I understand all your directions and it worked! I grabbed your button as well!

    God bless and thank you!

  32. Hey!!

    Thank you so very much for this tutorial and for stopping by Southern Plate to say "hi"!
    You helped me out tremendously. I have always wondered how to do this and have had countless emails asking me why I didn't have my button available in this format!

    Now I'm going to poke around your lovely blog some more! Hope you are having a wonderful day and thank you so very much!


  33. Thanks so much! This is exactly what I was looking for!

  34. You wouldn't believe how grateful I was for this! I have several buttons that I made for myself and others , but they did not work. Your code did, and was SUPER EASY. THANKS!!!!

  35. I am having the same problem as I tried to do this and am able to create a button on my page, but when I post it onto my blog you don't actually see a button. Just a little box with an X and my blog title next to it. When you click it it takes you to my page, but I am not sure why the actually button isn't there. Can you help?

    Please email at brendairwin at neb dot rr dot com. Thanks.

  36. Thank you so much for this! I had no idea how to even begin to make a button for my blog, but your instructions made it easy and it worked perfectly. I really appreciate it :)

  37. Thank you ! I've been wanting to create a button for the longest time. Your instructions were perfect. Thanks!

  38. Are you a teacher? I have searched high and low for the step-by-step directions for someone who is not familiar with all the html coding and I happened upon your site. This was so easy and helpful. Thank you so much.


  39. Hi.

    I am on wordpress, not blogger, and I can't get this to work. Anyone have any suggestions for me??

  40. Another Wordpress person here. Do you know how to make this work on Wordpress?

    Great tutorial though. I was able to easily follow your directions. Now if only you can tell me how to do it on Wordpress!

  41. Thank you so much for these instructions. It worked like a charm!

  42. Thank you for the great instructions. I added the button to my blog straight away and it works! Yeah.


  43. Thank you so much for this great info and I think I have it except for one small problem which is driving me crazy

    Everything is working and looks fabulous on my blog but when I copy and paste it in to a post there is some extra "/> beside my picture ?

    would you mind looking at this and seeing if it is something I can get rid of ?

    Again thank you so much
    hugs, Cherry

  44. amazing! I've been looking for this!! Thanks!

  45. Wonderfully simple tutorial. Thank you for taking the time to share this helpful info!

  46. Super helpful thanks for the great instructions!
    I only have one problem that I am not sure how to fix. Part of my code is visible under my picture (before the actual box with the code that others can take...can you help?)

  47. HI! Thanks for the tutorial~! One little problem, I was hoping you could help me with?? The button 'copy and paste box' is showing up ... but not the actual button(Picture). I am pretty sure I followed the directions correctly. Can you help??


  48. HI! Thanks for the tutorial~! One little problem, I was hoping you could help me with?? The button 'copy and paste box' is showing up ... but not the actual button(Picture). I am pretty sure I followed the directions correctly. Can you help??


  49. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I found this tutorial extremely useful and it works!!!

  50. Thank you for sharing this it was so helpful! I followed the steps and I'm only having one problem....

    My button picture isn't showing up above the code box. The code is there and it looks like the picture, or button, should be there, but there is a X in it's place. If I click on the X it takes me to my blog though.

    I didn't use photobucket, because I don't have and account and don't want to create one, so I published my button picture in a blog post. I'm not sure what I've done wrong. If you can help that would be great!

    teahomemaker at yahoo dot com

  51. Thank you so much for sharing this made it so easy!!!

  52. Thank you so much! I am a new blogger and I have been trying to figure this out thanks for making it simple.


  53. Whee, my blog button looks great! Thank you so much!

  54. super fab! thanks so much for the info!

  55. thanks so much! it was easier than I thought!

  56. Yay.....After a couple of hours of pure frustration I finally got it!

    Kindest regards,

    Coty Farquhar, Australia

  57. I have been wanting to blog for a long time now and started one only to get frustrated with my inability to get the text under my button.
    I found your site tonight and although I had to make one change (I had a little box appear after my button) I was able to succussfully get my button with text to appear on my page.
    Thanks so much for your help!!

  58. Thank you for the tutorial! It works almost completely but something looks not quite right. Will you look at my button and see if you can tell me whats wrong? Thanks!

  59. Thank you! It worked perfectly. I am so glad I found your blog. :)

  60. It worked for me!! Thank you so much for all the work you did creating the HTML code! All I had to do was copy and paste! You made it so easy!!

  61. Thank you so much for taking the time to share these easy to follow instruction.


  62. I just used your instructions to help me get my button & html box set up! Thanks so much!

  63. thank you. it totally worked. i just can't get them to line up.
    thanks again.

  64. I am struggling with my button.....
    I have posted my button and it works and it has the link to copy and it works too....but I have an additional icon I can not remove...I have tweaked the wording to follow yours, but everytime I do it either will not work, or the picture is gone etc...
    I can'nt tell what I have added to include the extra icon. Can you look it over and make a suggestion or two?
    please take a look and let me know!



  65. I am having trouble with my button.....My button works, my link works, but I have an additional icon with button. When I tweak the html either the button or link stop working or something else is not right.....!
    How can I remove this icon?
    Thanks for your help!!


  66. Thank you so much! I have read numerous tutorials on how to make a blog button, but yours was the only one I could I understand and it worked easily!

  67. I have been looking everywhere how to do this!!! So happy found yours. It worked wonders. Thanks!

  68. I just tried this an it worked great! Thanks for the great directions!

  69. It is very interesting for me to read this blog. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read more soon.


    You really rock!

    I tried it before off some website and it did not work so I just shrugged it off. But I still wanted one, and now I have it...THANKS TO YOU.

  71. Thank you! I've been trying all night with other directions and then found your easy code and it worked! I linked back so others won't be discouraged like I was. =)

  72. This is so awesome I can't even say! Thanks so much for the helpful information. I have been wondering how to do this for a while.

  73. Worked the very first time. Thanks!!!!

  74. Ugg. I feel stupid about three seconds I sent you that message I figured out that I hadn't been scrolling down to get all the code in the box. Oh man I've just spent a good hour of my life being stupid. Ug. Don't publish that first comment with my email in it. Thanks, your tutorial really was great I was just having a brain spasm.

  75. thank you for the tutorial, Ive done mine amazingly!

  76. Thank you for a great tutorial! I am having a problem too. While it works part of the code is visible above my button and I'm not sure how to get rid of it. if I erase it when editing then the pic doesn't show up right.

  77. I followed your tutorial for putting my button in my blog but for some reason didn't come out right. Button doesn't show, I don't know what's wrong.

  78. WOOOHOOO! It worked! This was ENORMOUSLY helpful for me! Susan at Fiberdoodles shared your post with me. I ran a contest for Halloween giving away a $25 Shutterfly card. I awarded bonus entries to anyone who could tell me how to do this. That's when she left your link. Of course, it took me until now to finally brave up and try it, but it worked! It really worked! (I also needed to make a button first...that's what the hold up. Finally figured out how to do it too.) Anyway, THANK YOU for making this so easy!

    Courtney Mroch
    Haunt Jaunts

  79. I know this was an old post but it popped up on a google search and I'm positively smitten with your instructions! Thanks for you help! Now I feel unstoppable!!!

  80. thank you - this was easy to follow and great - because i got it to work :) many thanks
    Betty Bake

  81. Yay! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I've been trying to figure this out FOREVER...and I finally came across your instructions! It turned out great. I'll be doing a post on my blog about making a button and of course, I'll be linking back to your great post! Thanks!
    Oooh...and thanks for the heads-up about Picnik. It's awesome too!

  82. Oops...sorry, I was bouncing between several different blogs. I mentioned Picnik in my last comment, and I didn't get that tip from your blog, BUT, I did use your button instructions and they were GREAT!

  83. i tried it a couple of times but my image was always gigantic. i have no idea what i'm doing wrong.


  84. Thanks so much for sharing this information. I've read each comment and it appears that there are (were) several others with the same problem I'm experiencing.

    I can post the button code to my blog just fine, but the image that is suppose to accompany it does not dispay - merely a red X.

    I do not have the image hosted on Photobucket, it is on my computer, but I did post it in a blog to get the address for it. Any idea what the problem might be?

    You can see it in my sidebar @

    Liz Perry

  85. Thank you!! Now I can get my button to finally work!

  86. Thank you so much for making this, it is so easy and clear!! It worked great!

  87. Initially this was way over my head as I am rubbish with computers but it works! Thank you so much - I've wanted a button for my blog for ages and now I have one thanks to you!

  88. Thanks for this information. I used your instructions for Wordpress and it worked. You follow the same instructions. The only different thing is that you add at Text gadget in the Design section of Wordpress. It was simple. Thanks!

  89. Thank you so much for this great tutorial! If you don't mind, I will send people here for it! It was very easy to follow and it worked. I just figured out how to make the button and now I can share the code thanks to you. Bless you!

  90. Thankyou so much for this, I to did it with wordpress and it works just the same, thanks so much for it!

  91. You have no idea how long I've tried to get this button procedure to work. Your tutorial was the only thing that has worked for me. Consequently, I am showcasing it in my blog, The Boardwalk Blotter, with you button and direct link back to your blog for instructions. Plese stop by and feel free to grab a "featured" button! Thank you!

  92. Not sure if you got my previous post. These were the only instructions that worked for me, and consequently, I am going to highlight your blog on my Boardwalk Blotter. You can see it at:

    I've your button on display with a direct link back to your blog for instructions.

    Feel free to grab an I was featured button :)

  93. thank you so much.. this helped me finalllyyy!! :)

  94. Thank you so much for the info! It worked great the first time~
    The Sitting Tree

  95. Awesome Tutorial, worked perfectly! Thanks SOOOO much!

  96. I've tried at least five other source codes and yours was the first that worked for me! Thank you so very much!


  97. My mom has been asking me to make her a blog button to put on her blog for weeks.

    This was so easy!


  98. THANK YOU so much! This was the easiest tutorial to follow to get my button to work and have the code available! Thanks! :)

  99. Can't wait to try this! Thank you. One question, when you say go to PhotoBucket, do you mean use a photo from their stock and make it part of your button? Thanks!

  100. Carmie, the Single Nester,

    No, I mean upload your photo to a photobucket account in order to get the direct html code for the picture.

  101. thank you so much! this really helped, I have used it on two of my blogs, I had to set up the photobucket and work with it a while, I used powerpoint to get my words on and saved as a jpeg to the photo account. I couldn't have done it without your wonderful help!! great tip

  102. Allyson,
    Thank you so much for your tutorials on blogger. I have spent a lot of frustrating time, trying to search for some good info on how to do the things you have posted. Thank you,
    Thank you. Thank you. Your simple instructions are so appreciated.
    Please add more!

  103. Thanks for your tip but its not working with mine?? Im on blogger and Ive downloaded my button to photobucket. Ive entered the code per your instruction and the box appearse but not my button. Any suggestions. Ive doubled checked the code a million times. If you can suggest anything Id greatly appreciate your help.
    Cheers Gina

  104. It Works, thanks so much, and easy to understand instructions. You Rock!

  105. Wow, thank you so much for this tutorial! I have tried many different ones, but this was the only one that made sense to me. Thanks again!

  106. Hi, I am trying to make a button, I use flickr, how do I make a link to the photo I want to make for the button? I put the url of the photo, but it doesn't end in .jpg, what do I do?

  107. hey guys,
    I have just followed your tutorial and added my own button on my blog.
    sooo happy. it was so easy, thanks to you. it took more to actually make the button in acdsee.
    I am going to make a link to your blog on mine. I hope that is ok with you all.
    Thank you so much for sharing with the rest of us.

  108. I have been trying this for weeks and just found your tutorial. It works when I click on the image but not sure about the code...
    Thanks for making this simple!!

  109. this was great! and it was easy enough for a blogger dummie like me ;) thank you!

  110. Thank you so much for your help! I am just getting started on my own blog and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to do this!

  111. Thanks so much. Your instructions were simple, straight forward and easy to follow. Excellent help!

  112. Hi, I've used your great tutorial with success in the past but am now having problems. Can you look at my blog and tell me why I have those little boxes with X and how to get rid of them. Thank You so much - Jamie

  113. thanks it worked after weeks of trying i finally got it tonight after I found your instructions. Thanks

  114. Awesome instructions!! I tried another site, couldn't get it but googled, found your's and it worked on the first try. I saved these instructions. Thank you so much!

  115. Okay, I have the button, but no image. Please help!!

  116. Thanks so much! I tried like, three other codes that just didn't work. Much appreciated :)

  117. Wow, this is the easiest set of instructions I had to follow! I've been searching everywhere for a perfect "How To" for making blog buttons and this is amazing! Thank you so much!


  118. This looks so easy, but I can't upload any photos to photobucket so I'm really frustrated!

  119. I used this in Wordpress today, and it worked like a charm for me. I don't know if someone has already commented about it, but you just paste the code into a text box widget. Thank you so much!

  120. This was really helpful to me! Thanks!

  121. Thank you! You just saved me a lot of headache. :D
    i done did just create my first blog button, hurrah!

  122. Just wanted to say thank you so much for this!! I was getting jealous of everyone having a blog button but me... and now I have one! :)

  123. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I looked FOR EVER to find something that was easy to follow. You rule!

  124. Oh my gosh...I have spent so many hours trying to make a button...with no success. I even had a couple other tutorials I was following, but still couldn't make it work! Found this post of yours last night in absolute desperation and frustration, but also sheer determination. THANK YOU!! Seriously...I'm not sure I could even calculate the hours I have spent trying to do this! Your directions were PERFECTLY clear and easy, and I am LOVING YOU today for making my life so much easier! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

    If you'd like to see what you helped me do, check me out at

    I will also be posting a little thank you to you in the next couple of days when I 'announce' the creation of my new button! ;)

  125. so easy! thank u! thank u! I have buttons on ALL three of my blogs now. You're the best!

  126. Thank you so much for this! I have been wanting a blog button for some time! You are officially my hero!

  127. Hi,
    After trying several other codes that didn't work, I found yours doing a google worked perfectly!
    Thank you for sharing! I am linking back to you.
    I'm looking forward to coming back to visit your blog!

  128. I did it too!! Thanks so much for your help! I really needed that tutorial! Have a great day!

  129. FINALLY!!! Glad I found you because your tutorial was the Easiest :)
    Many Thanks~Stevie

  130. Having serious issues!!!

    I am doing exactly what your directions say and the button shows on my blog w. code underneath in the box but when i copy and paste it to see if it works, it doesn't.
    Please help!
    thank you thank you!!

  131. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    You are awesome and pretty and I am so very greatful that you posted this! I followed your instructions and it worked! I did a happy dance! (Really! I danced around! Scared the dogs and everything!)

    I linked to this post and your blog so my readers could benefit as well!

    Thank you so much!

  132. Great tutorial, I feel so accomplished now. Thanks! =)

  133. Thank you very much for your sharing, I made my 1st button according to your tutorial. It works! I might link this post to my new post to share the way making button with my blog readers soon.

    Thanks again and have a nice day! :)

  134. Thanks so much for the help! It's much appreciated! :)


  135. Having some trouble making a blog button. It has the code on my site but only the title with no picture. What have I done?!?! Thanks for your help.

  136. thanks so much! this was the easiest and most clear-cut tutorial i've found. you're awesome!

  137. Thank you for posting this! I've been trying to figure out how everyone has these cool buttons, but gave up, as it seemed too complicated and I don't have time to learn a new profession! You made this so easy! I will give you credit in tomorrow's post.

  138. Hi...THANK-YOU! I have one question, I have "/> appearing at the bottom right corner of the button, and I don't know how to get rid of it! It took so long to finally get one I'm afaid I'll do something to mess it up! Can you help? I'm at

  139. THANK YOU so much- I finally got mine to work. This was the best tutorial I found on getting the text box included.

  140. I have followed your directions but still had a ?...I am not able to view my picture from photobucket. Am I doing something wrong? I am able to view the box and the title but not the picture.
    Please email me @ so I can talk to you.

  141. Hi,
    I checked your code several times against mine and followed it exactly but it still doesn't work. I'm using a flickr photo group address rather than a blogger address as the address the photo should take you to when you click on it. perhaps that is the problem?

  142. Kathy,
    It should work with any web address as long as the code is kept the same. If you want to leave me a comment with your email address I'll email you to get more specifics.


  143. This worked beautifully. Thank you

  144. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to trying this soon.

  145. I have tried to do this 5 or 6 times your instructions were the easiest to follow and gave me what I was looking for a grab my button feature thanks so much I will be giving you a shout out on my blog today!

  146. Thanks a lotss...
    i hv found wht i exactly want ...

  147. Thank you so much!! I just made my own. (in side bar)

  148. I just did it!! Woohoo! Thank you so much. :)

  149. Thanks! This was super duper helpful!

  150. Thanks so much!! I've been wanting to do this since I created my blog but everything I've found about it didn't work! Thanks for solving my problem! You rock! This was very helpful.

  151. You would not BELIEVE how much time I've spent trying to search for directions or asking other bloggers where they GOT their buttons! I couldn't get an answer from other bloggers, there's a small crew of us that are doing the "if you find out how please share", and from a marketeer all I got was "go to photobucket!" Which tells me nothing! I can't wait to try this! You are bookmarked, in my list of favorites and my best buddy! Thanks! Tina "The Book Lady"

  152. Tina "The Book Lady"June 21, 2010 at 7:02 PM

    Yay! I have a but-ton, I have a but-ton! Oops! I twittered!

    Hey everyone! I now have a button on my blog that you can add to your blogs if you'd like! SUPER easy directions at:

    Seriously, thank you so much for great easy to read directions! My friends will be visiting you soon!

    You can see it at:
    I would like to put Family Literacy and You at the top - I still have to figure that part out!

    Thanks! Tina "The Book Lady"

  153. Very simple explanation, but I kept getting the same result many other people-code but no picture. I finally figured out what I was doing..and probably what others are case you want to edit the post to let people know. When you replace the IMAGE WEB ADDRESS, you already put in the http://. So when I copied the code, it put an extra http:// in the code in both spots. Simply taking that extra http:// out fixed it. Thanks for such an easy to follow tutorial! I have added you to my reader!

  154. Just wanted to post quickly that this was helpful for me. I used about three different blog button tutorials - and this one helped me figure out the end bit (ie: I had the button, but the box wouldn't work - and with this, voila! suddenly everything is good).

    Thanks again!

  155. Okay you just made me feel genius! I did it - made a button, hosted on photobucket and added to blog! Wahoo! :) Thank you Thank you!

  156. Oh my gosh! I feel so much better now. All of a sudden I realized my buttons were missing and I had no clue where to find the blog I had originally found with the post on how to put them back up. You are amazing thank you for sharing with all of us.

    Would love for you to visit to see your advice put into action


  157. Thanks! I did it!

  158. Wow - my 11yo daughter just helped me through this. Thanks for the instructions. They were great! Blessings! Suzanne

  159. Thank you so much for the easy instructions! I have been googling how to make a blog button and your tutorial was the easiest to follow. Thanks!!!

  160. Hi - I'm trying to add the button I made and I accidentally hit something and shrunk the page so I can't read it (in blogger) - I think I hit a CNTRL somthing - how do I make the page 100% again?


  161. Thanks for the tutorial. I have been wanting to creat a button for some time now but did not know how..

  162. Thank you SO much!! I tried using instructions from another blog and it didn't work, so I'm SO HAPPY to have found this!! I've even thanked you from my own blog ( and added the url to this post in the hope that others will be able to find it. THANK YOU!

  163. Ok So everything worked out good, except the words didnt show up on the button?

  164. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I think I have spent a few hours trying to figure all this out. Your answer is what finally set me straight! Thanks!

  165. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Yours only took me about five minutes to do! Thanks again... you were so helpful for me :)

  166. Thanks so much! My husband was very impressed that I could do something in html!!

  167. Hi, I've just followed your instructions and I'm now the proud owner of a blog button! thank you so much!

  168. Thanks for this post! I've been meaning to make one for the longest time and your tutorial made it easy.

  169. Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! This is the ONLY thing that has worked after no less than TWENTY attempts!

  170. Thank you so much!!!!You have the most clear tutorial-with the actualy code to copy and paste--your wonderful and have been such a great blessing!!!Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  171. Thank you sooo much! It worked WONDERFULLY!!

  172. If anyone wants to know how to do it on wordpress just go to the website below.


  173. Thanks so much, I made a button of my own and posted about it with a link to this post. Thanks!

  174. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I have been searching all over the place for an easy way to do this and you provided it. Thank you one more time.

  175. Thank you soooo much for sharing this tutorial!!! I have tried a few other tutorial for this and couldn't get it to work right. This one was very easy to understand and I now have a Scroll Box! YAY!!!!

  176. Fantastic!

    It worked much better for me when I made a new button. When I tried to get code from an existing image on Photobucket the code just didn't work.

    New button & direct link. That worked great. Thank you so much!!

  177. Wow, I finally made a button! If I change anything, will the button change automatically on other peoples blogs? Also, I am starting a Linky party, how do I get this little button to take the user directly to the link party? I am looking around for the best one to try, any suggestions? Thanks, this was a God send!

  178. Thank you SO much! It worked beautifully and simply. I've wanted a button for eons, but just never got around to it and didn't know how to add the code box. Thanks again! ;-)

  179. This is the easiest way I found to publish my blog button. Thank you very much!!!!

  180. I made my blog buttons and blogged about the process and this wonderful post which helped A LOT!! check it out here:

  181. You made my day! After months of
    trying to find out how to make a
    button, I did it ...thanks to your
    clear instructions!

    Very kind of you to share this

    Flora Doora Blog

  182. Works awesome! I posted a tute and linked back to you here on my own blog, check it out the first week of September!

  183. I'm having trouble with the size of the photo. Want square, not huge and some of my letters get chopped off in the transfer? I was really thinking it was going to work.

  184. Now I have these extra characters under my button that don't go away when I copy the button??

  185. Thank you so much! This worked perfectly! I had been looking and looking for an easy explanation!

  186. Help!!!I just started a badge and created a linky party but when I tested the code by copying it and pasting it again on my site, to see if it works, it is linking back to my picasa album, not my site...can you help trouble shoot this and fast????


  187. Thank you so much! You give great info!

    I have been googling like mad trying to find a simple tutorial and your is the BEST and SIMPLEST I found.
    And it WORKS!
    Too easy.
    Did I mention... thankyou??

  189. Thank you! You so Rock! You've made this so simple, and it looks great on my blog. You can check it out at:
    Thanks again,

  190. Hi, thank you for the tutorial AND the HTML code. It works! You are really a great help. Thank you ^_^

  191. Thank you for so generously sharing this in such easy-to-understand terms.

    Judging by the huge response [I think there are at least 200 comments before mine] you have helped many people with your thoughtfulness.

    Best wishes and thank you again,



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