Jonathan's First Solid Food

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  1. HI! Visiting from Lynnette's blog. What a precious video!

  2. Too cute! Congrats on being featured on Lynette's Getting to Know You!

  3. saying hello! visiting from Lynnette's blog. Yeah for Getting to know You! :)

  4. Hi, I'm just stopping by from Lynnette's blog to say hello! Congrats on being featured! Enjoy your day!


  5. Hi Allyson! Surprise! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! Your blog is fun.
    Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground

  6. Ahhh, how cute! Avocado makes for a great first solid. Yummy. I'm visiting from Lynette's. . .

  7. Oh, Jonathan--I couldn't have said it better myself! Unless they're in guacamole, avacados are yucky!

    Allyson, you have a beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing such a cute video. Enjoy a wonderful day!

  8. Awwww!!! So funny! I remember my girls being the same way when they first tried food. Congrats on being featured! Have a great week!

  9. How cute! Don't you love the faces they make?

  10. I have to admit that I reacted the same way when I tried my first avocado but now I love 'em. :)

    The video was cute!


  11. Love It!! He is a cutie pie and a half!! And your giveaway looks fun! Nice to meet you!

  12. I love watching babies eat. or even big kids when you trick them. one time my 5th grade sunday school class was bugging me for reece cups so i bought some with banana flavoring from cracker barrel. then acted like they were getting a award and brought them to the front of the class to eat them. i wish i would have had my camera. i am glad to see you use smilebox. i signed up but have not used it.

  13. We are very slowly beginning the solids journey! He'll probably average about once a week for now...we've seen the gagging thing, too.

  14. Hey.... coming over from Lynette's blog.
    Such a cute video.
    Good to visit with you.
    Sweet Blessings!

  15. Just popping over from Lynettes everyone else :) Your kids are adorable and your blog is full of all sorts of fun tidbits. I like your recipes and food ideas. They seem both practical and healthy...a great combination for busy moms. :)

  16. I loved reading your blog today. It has been so much fun making new friends through the blog world. This is my fourth month to have a blog. I am amazed at all the unique and fun sites. I am posting about our recent Disney trip and have a couple more posts about our visit with the "Mouse" ....then I will have more than a few posts about a new "grandson" arriving in just a couple of weeks...

  17. The funniest part was that he kept going back for more. He looked like my son eating his first solids. Nice to meet you.

  18. Congrats on being featured on Lynnette's blog! Look forward to reading more of your blog!

  19. That was funny! Thanks for sharing that precious moment. Just visiting from Lynette's blog! Blessed day!

  20. Oh how sweet! Babies are such a Blessing! Stopping by to say Hi from Lynnete's Getting To Know You!



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Tim, Allyson and kids