Our News

Well, I think it's about as official as it can get.

Barring a major surprise to us, Tim, the kids, and I will be moving once again to Knoxville, TN. We have been blessed to have this opportunity as a family to return to the campus of Johnson Bible College where Tim will be finishing up course work for his degree.

During our previous year at JBC (before Emahry was born) we were blessed by the knowledge and fellowship we gained through our close interactions and relationships with fellow students, professors, staff members, and the local body we were a part of.

While we are very excited about the door that God has opened for us, we would still greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers as our family makes this transition. As we prepare for this adventure we would ask that you specifically pray for the following needs.

1. That God will bless us with safe travels as I drive with my sister (who is also attending JBC), Emahry, & Jonathan and as Tim drives our older vehicle the 10 hour trip by himself.

2. That our housing will be completed in time for us to move in next Friday and that God will stretch our meager resources so that it will be possible for us to furnish our new home.

3. Most importantly, that God will prepare our hearts for the lessons he wants to teach us while we spend these next couple of years immersed in this concentrated Christian environment and that God will prepare men and women who love him to mentor us in our roles of a Godly husband and father and a Godly wife and mother.

We also have another exciting piece of news, but I'm not going to tell you just yet. Instead, we'll see if you can guess. Use this picture to try to figure it out ;)

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com


  1. Congrats on this opportunity! I know God will richly bless you as a family. . . . And I'd say it looks as though you're expecting, too! Family moving, Family learning, family growing. . . . God Is Good!

  2. Congratulations! I love, love, love TN. It's one of the most wonderful places on earth. A new phase of life is always filled with such excitement, as well as a host of other emotions. Best wishes during this time of stretching and growth - on both counts! New baby? Yay!

  3. I'm going to e-mail you, too, but I wanted to say congratulations on both pieces of news!! Many prayers being sent your way.

  4. It looks like the Mama is patting a baby bump! Best wishes with your move!

  5. Thats BIG news!! Prayers for you guys during this tough time...


  6. Yes, I see you have been going through GOOD changes. Congratulations on the move and new little one coming. You'll need some blitzing after you move in, so I'll expect you back then. Thanks for checking in. Glad to hear things are going well.

  7. Congrats, though hopefully you aren't one to experience extreme morning sickess or fatigue!! YOu'll be busy!

  8. Good luck! Good thing I check your blog or I wouldn't have known until I wondered where you were...

  9. Any updates on the move yet???

    Blessings to you!


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Tim, Allyson and kids