A Quick Post: Readjusting Our Schedule

We're still having to use the computer lab on campus so our posts will probably be short for now.

Since moving, almost a month ago now, we've been trying to find the new rhythm for this season of our lives.

Tim's now settling into a very busy school and work schedule, while the little ones and I are striving to plan our days around when Daddy will be home.

Emahry and my morning learning time is having to evolve as Jonathan has given up his morning nap. We're also trying to spend more time training Emahry and Jonathan to play quietly together, which will be an invaluable asset when the new baby joins our family in February.

I'd love to hear about how you structure your days to include teaching, training, cleaning, meal preparations and everything else that's on the busy mom's to do list.


  1. Glad to hear that you are somewhat settling in :)

  2. Benjamin has given up his morning nap, too. Sure has made morning school time a little more challenging. BUT it makes for a lovely quite afternoon!

    Somehow I manage to get the bulk of my housework AND homeschooling done in the morning so we can all rest in the afternoon with the two little boys. Then we all tidy the house and prepare dinner together as we wait for Brian to get home from work (which in the fall is usually by dinnertime, unlike in the spring and summer when it could be late).

    We are at home most days, but days when we have to go out are tricky. I'm never sure whether to give up my housework hours or my naptime hours...

    (We'd love to have your mailing address sometime if you have a chance to e-mail it to me.)

  3. I'd also love to hear how you are training the little ones to play quietly together...maybe a future blog post?


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Tim, Allyson and kids