The Baby Is A ... (drumroll please)...


We are officially expecting a little girl and we are all very excited. This last ultrasound went well and all of the baby's organs are present and functioning properly. She is measuring a bit on the lighter side, but since our other two were fairly small I guess we just have small babies.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Whoo Hooo! Congrats!!! (though I would have given the same answer if you'd annouced that he would be a he LOL)
    Praying that the remainder goes but quickly enough, slowly enough and smoothly enough :)

  2. Yay for little girls! Congratulations. :-)

  3. That's wonderful - thanks for sharing the news. I can't even remember how I found your blog but it is a real blessing to read about the lives of other moms who are striving to serve the Lord through all they do.



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Tim, Allyson and kids