Cute Christmas Ornament Idea

I received this ornament idea through an email a few days ago and thought I'd share it with you.

I'm hoping to get all of the other gifts crossed off of our To Do List so I have time to make some of these. If we don't get to them this year they will definitely be on the list for next year.

Simply cover your child's hand in white paint and then have them hold the ball. Roll their fingers a little like with finger prints. Hang the balls to let the handprints dry then decorate with paints or permanent markers.

I think these would make a great addition to your family's tree and would be wonderful gifts for grandparents.

For more frugal ideas visit Life as Mom.
Have you discovered any crafty and frugal gifts for this holiday season? We'd love to hear about them. If you have a link, please leave it in your comment so we can gather ideas for next year. Thanks!


  1. How precious, Allyson! I'm sharing this one for sure! Hopefully we can do it with my niece! Fun Fun!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by for my giveaway and sharing the great belt tutorial. You have a great blog and I'll be back :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids