Easy Grasp Baby Block

I've had this idea floating around in my mind for a while now. I finally whipped one up this afternoon while the little ones were napping. The block is about 3 1/2 inches square. It is stuffed and a small bell is hidden inside which makes a very soft jingle sound.

*In response to kpmattingly's comment, all of the ribbons are reinforced (stitched twice) so they are very secure.

This Easy Grasp Baby Block is a Christmas gift for an extended family member who's first baby should be arriving any day now.

Please, let me know what you think. I need constructive feedback because I hope to start making these to sell some time in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

I'm hoping that these Easy Grasp Baby Blocks will Work for Me!


  1. This is adorable! It looks like it'd be a great gift for a little one.

  2. I think it is cute. As long as you ribbon pieces are very secure, it would be fine.

  3. I think that is super cute. My constructive feed back would be to make sure it's light enough for tiny arms to tote around.

  4. I love it & will definately want one for my baby coming in June!


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Tim, Allyson and kids