It's My Birthday

Today I am 28 years old. Tim keeps teasing me that I 'm getting close to 30. I keep reminding him that the only reason he thinks that's funny is because he's already passed that milestone--two years ago.

So, while I'm not jumping up and down because I'm another year older, I am thankful that the passing of time, if you let it, can also bring about the passing of the less than desirable traits of our character. For me some of these traits are selfishness, conceit, undisciplined living, and self-reliance.

Through the years it becomes more and more difficult to think only of myself. As so many other precious people need so much from me it becomes easier and easier to push my wants aside.

It's also difficult to take yourself and your looks too seriously when you haven't shaved your legs in three weeks, your hair is unbrushed, and your little one has decided to use your shirt as a washcloth for his "I just squeezed a banana through my fingers" hands--again.

As for being undisciplined, just try to manage a household with a full-time in school plus working husband, a 2 1/2 year old, a 15 month old, and a another baby due in 10 weeks without being disciplined and you'll soon see that planning and sticking to lists and schedules is your only way to make sure that there are clean diapers, washed dishes, and food on the table.

Probably the least desirable trait that I am very happy to be learning my way out of is my self-reliance. When you realize that you haven't slept through the night ONE SINGLE TIME in almost three years you begin to lose confidence in your own strength. You finally see that nothing good can come from your meager attempts and that the only reason anything positive is going on in your life is because of the grace and power of God.

That's one reason I'm thankful that my birthday occurs so closely with the day that we celebrate the greatest birth of all, that of a tiny baby, born in a manger, who chose to leave unspeakable glory to live as an example for us and to ultimately die as an atonement for our sins.

Please, join us in celebrating my birthday today by leaving a comment telling what you are doing to focus on HIS birth during this easily hurried season.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post - I can so relate! I'm 26 and I keep feeling that big 30 looming up on me. lol And also having a baby and a full-time working full-time student husband, though thankfully he does his schooling at home through University of Phoenix. Two babies, though! Wow! I don't know how I will do it when the time comes but I suppose I should come ask you, lol.

    :-) God bless and have a wonderful Christmas!


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Tim, Allyson and kids