Songs for Saplings 25% OFF CD Sale

I discovered Songs for Saplings CDs while reading Brooke's blog, A Life in Need of Change. Brooke hosted a giveaway of these CDs and I quickly entered.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the giveaway, so I was completely thrilled when Songs for Saplings agreed to send me a set of CDs to review here on our blog! The CDs are still in the mail, but I wanted to go ahead and give everyone a heads up about these remarkable CDs. (They would make GREAT Christmas gifts!)

Here's a bit from Songs for Saplings website, explaining their CDs.

Songs for Saplings makes music for kids. We want them to understand who God is and what He has done, as well as what He wants your children to do and to be.

We hope that you will benefit from these CDs and use them to help teach your children about our God and his great love for us.

You can hear sample tracks from each CD by clicking on the links below. When you get to the website, scroll down and click the play button.

Songs for Saplings: ABCs

Questions with Answers, Vol. 1: God & Creation

Questions with Answers, Vol. 2: Fall & Salvation

Questions with Answers, Vol. 3: Christ & His Work

I am so excited to receive these CDs for our family. Emahry already sings along to the sample tracks of the ABCs CD and I woke up the other night with 1 John 3:16 running over and over in my head.

I know our children are capable of memorizing and learning more than we give them credit for, and I want to take every opportunity to anchor the Word of God into their young hearts.

Now through Christmas, Songs for Saplings is offering 25% OFF of all of their CDs. At only $9 a piece these CDs would make a great gift for any young family. Click here to go to Songs for Sapling's order page.

For more gift ideas for $10 or less visit Life as Mom's Frugal Friday post here.

* Also, keep your eye out for some free CD giveaways here at A Heart for Home!

We'd love to hear what you think about these CDs. Also, please tell us how you teach your children about the Bible and the God who loves them.

1 comment:

  1. I have been amazed at how much scripture my children have learned this year just by reading it daily. Even Owen is learning large passages by simply hearing a passage read repeatedly every morning. Right now we are learning Luke 2:8-16.

    Our favorite was learning Psalm 23 by using these books: Simply wonderful!


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Tim, Allyson and kids