Happy 2010!

We've "enjoyed" a whirlwind of activity visiting family and friends over the Christmas holiday.

Now, I am pleased to say we are back home and getting back into the swing of things around here. Suitcases have finally been unpacked and yesterday Tim and I organized all of the files for 2009 and set up the ones for 2010.

We have been passing around a cold since returning home, but thankfully Tim is feeling better and has been able to carry a lot of the weight around here. (Thanks, honey!)

We'd love to here about your holiday celebrations and your plans for the new year. Just leave us a comment.


  1. So glad His mercies are new every morning, every week, every year! This year I plan to look for His gifts. And remember the gifts! It is too easy to complain when really we have nothing to complain about!


    Happy New Year!

  2. Hello-
    Im farly new to blogging and I just wanted to let you know that I used your button how- to and made a button for my blog.
    Thanks so much for posting it!


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Tim, Allyson and kids