Preparing for Spring: Recycled Newspaper Starter Pots

I can tell that the promise of spring is in the air, because Tim is once again talking about gardening.

Seed starter, plant variety, garden placement, and cold frames have all come up in recent conversations.

So, just in case anyone else is feeling the itch to get started, why not begin making your own recycled newspaper starter pots?

This is the perfect time to start, when you still have enough time to make them at your leisure before the rush of the planting season is in full swing.

Click here for our easy, step-by-step tutorial.

"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
... a time to plant and a time to uproot"

~Ecclesiates 3:1 & 2b NIV (emphasis added)


  1. What a great idea! My 3-year-old is always talking about planting a garden, maybe this will be the year that we finally get out there and get something done. It's hard to think about it now with so much snow, but I know it will eventually be warm again!

    Thanks for stopping by - good luck! :)

  2. THis is an awesome idea. I haven't seen the newspaper pots for seedlings, but I have seen eggshells.


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Tim, Allyson and kids