Endless Gifts

Daily I'm surrounded by wonderful gifts from God, yet many times I choose to see the disappointments instead of the blessings.

Today I choose to be a cheerful recipient, a joy finder, a gift counter.

#34. A new glass canister to house our whole wheat flour. (Purchased with some money from my birthday ~ Thanks Grand-daddy & Maw)

#35. Bananas. Bunches and bunches of bananas awaiting their fate as part of a peanut butter and banana wrap or a green smoothie.

#36. The ability and resources to eat healthy foods.

#37. Favorite movies from my childhood for a rainy day.

#38. A blessed time of worship for our family yesterday.

#39. Deep talks that help us focus on God.

#40. A wonderful deal on Muir Glen Organic soup.

#41. Tomato soup and grilled cheese quesadillas made on homemade whole wheat tortillas.

#42. A new coloring book for Emahry.

#43. My kitchen helpers.

#44. Sleeping five hours straight!

#45. Fresh smelling laundry.

#46. Stacks of clean clothes waiting to be put away.

#47. Music that teaches little voices to be raised in praise.

#48. Books. Scattered on the floor, lining the shelf or stacked on the couch.

#49. Sibling love.

#50. Songs that encourage me in my role as a mom.

Please leave a comment telling us what you are thankful for today.

holy experience
Also Contributed To: Gratituesday, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday


  1. I so enjoyed reading your list this morning. Sleeping 5 hours straight, yes a true gift!
    Grace to you

  2. Wonderful list. I have the same glass canister for my flour!

    And I too *most days* am thankful for little helpers :

  3. Well now, you know I love that top picture of your wheat flour in a cool glass container. Great lists!

  4. What a beautiful list and some great reminders! I wrote a whole post on sibling love one day... it is one of the most beautiful things I witness each day. Have a blessed Thursday!

  5. I love it that you see the beauty in the life you have right now. It will change, and you will miss all this! Enjoy!

  6. I think it's such a lovely idea to list down all that you're thankful for! A lot of times we take so many blessing for granted. I enjoyed your post :)

    Visiting you from Things I Love Thursday!

  7. Fabulous list, and that last photo is precious!


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Tim, Allyson and kids