Not Me! Monday

In case you are unfamiliar with Not Me! Monday, and to avoid any misunderstandings of the following, please know that everything below that I "did not do" was, if fact, done by me. You see, Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections and reveal a few moments we'd rather forget. Thanks for understanding.

This past week I did not resort to sounding just like my mother by responding to Emahry's constant questioning of "why?" by telling her, "because I said so." I would never say that, no not me!

I also did not browse the Internet for natural ways to induce labor because I am so ready to have this baby. I would never do that, not me. I am way too patient and believe too much in my body's own timing to try to hurry along the inevitable.

Finally, I did not stay in bed almost an extra hour this morning and let Tim make and feed the kids breakfast before he had to go and do school work all day long. No, not me, I'm way too thoughtful and value my husband's time too much to let him do that.

Head over to MckMama's Not Me! Monday to see what everyone else has not been doing this past week.

Before you go, why don't you leave me a comment letting me know I'm not alone when it comes to having faults as a wife and mom. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I guess your searching paid off and whatever way you found to induce labor was an effective one!

    I did NOT put away the painting supplies in the boys room just before Hayden went down for his nap today just so that I would have a real excuse for why we just can't paint AGAIN today! Not me, I am much too good of a mom for that!


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Tim, Allyson and kids