Not Me! Monday

In case you are unfamiliar with Not Me! Monday, and to avoid any misunderstandings of the following, please know that everything below that I "did not do" was, if fact, done by me. You see, "Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of [our] imperfections and reveal a few moments [we'd] rather forget." Thanks for understanding.

This past week I did call my midwives' office to reschedule my 7-10 day postpardum visit. There was no way I was taking all three little ones with me by myself. I also did jump at the opportunity for an appointment that same day bacause I knew Tim would be able to watch the two oldest so the baby and I could go to the appointment by ourselves.

However, I did not forget to think about the fact that an appoinment that afternoon would mean no time to shower before going. I also did not forget that at the time I had not shaved my legs since my last prenatal appointment almost three weeks prior. No, not me! First, I would never be that scatterbrained and second, I would never go that long without shaving my legs. I always shave my legs whenever I shower, which of course I have time and energy to do every day.

I also did not feel embarrassed when I showed up for my appointment and discovered I would be seen by one of the student nurses, no not me. She of course is a pretty, early twenty-something girl who I'm sure showers everyday and always has cleanly shaven legs. But I wouldn't worry about that, not me. I'm too self confident to let her shaven legs and daily showered body make me feel uncomfortable about mine.

Head over to MckMama's Not Me! Monday to see what everyone else has not been doing this past week.

Before you go, why don't you leave me a comment letting me know I'm not alone when it comes to having faults as a wife and mom. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's not me who is just getting around to commenting on your Monday post on Friday! lol.

    I've been there too - with the legs I mean. Pregnancy and babies can do that to you :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids