Endless Gifts

Daily I'm surrounded by wonderful gifts from God, yet many times I choose to see the disappointments instead of the blessings.

Today I choose to be a cheerful recipient, a joy finder, a gift counter.

#51. The opportunity for Tim to go to a preaching conference in Indianapolis.

#52. A close parking space when I go shopping with all three children.

#53. A little girl who falls sleep "nursing" her baby doll.

#54. Delicious navel oranges.

#55. Watching a movie with Tim after the kids are in bed.

#56. A favorite book, Llama Drama, from the library.

#57. Eliya staying asleep after I took off the sling.

#58. A timely reminder of what I'm able to do in 60 seconds or less to tidy my home and bless my family.

#59. The conviction to make better use of my time.

#60. Homemade Whole Wheat Waffles.

#61. Sleeping babies.

#62. Jonathan finally outgrowing his infant carseat.

#63. A new carseat for free!

#64. Green smoothie mustaches.

#65. Sunshine and warmer temperatures.

#66. His power.

#67. His might.

#68. His unending love!

Please leave a comment telling us what you are thankful for today.

holy experience
Also Contributed To: Gratituesday, choosing to be thankful Works for Me!, Finer Things Friday


  1. Just popping in to follow your blog. Hope you can come follow mine! Have a good day!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  2. Love it! Your daughter nursing her baby is precious. Amazing how young little girls start practicing to be mamas!

  3. I so enjoy your endless gifts lists, and that photo of your daughter... precious!


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Tim, Allyson and kids