Our Kitchen "Staff"

It seems that as the demands on our kitchen increase, so does our kitchen staff.

This picture was taken a few weeks before Jonathan was born in September of 2008.

For a while, Emahry stood alone on the helper's chair. She watched, mixed, stirred, rolled, and tasted.

Now, a new helper has emerged and is eager to display his ability to mimic Daddy, Mama, and big sister in the kitchen.

Now, their two small bodies share the helpers' chair. Four bright eyes watch with delight and wonder. Four small hands set to work: mixing, stirring, rolling. Two eager mouths wait, not so patiently, for a taste.

Someday, maybe we'll get a set of barstools for our helpers, but for now we'll enjoy small feet standing tiptoed on a chair, arms stretching to reach, minds wanting to learn, hearts eager to help.

Be sure to keep an eye out for an upcoming giveaway for the kitchen. What will we be giving away? Well, here are a couple of hints. It needs to be plugged in. Our family uses it almost every day. Any guesses?

Having helpers in the kitchen Works for Me (so does the item in our upcoming giveaway).

Also Contributed To: Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday


  1. So nice to have such cute help in the kitchen.

  2. Very sweet! I love to have my littles helping in the kitchen. They have their own little aprons and are just darling. :)

  3. The best looking kitchen staff I've seen! Thanks for sharing!

  4. How sweet! I think it's really easier to have my child involved in the cooking or dishwashing than to try to keep him occupied doing something else while I work alone. Sometimes he shows me The Way He Usually Does It and I learn something!

    It's great that your kids, both girl and boy, are learning to feel comfortable and competent in the kitchen. That will serve them well as they grow up.

  5. So cute to see them working together! And could the item be a toaster?

  6. Sweet helpers make the food taste better, too. :)

  7. What a beautiful post. Some of my favorite childhood memories are from helping my parents in the kitchen. I can't wait until my little one is old enough. Thanks for sharing!

  8. When I first became a mom almost 10 years ago the thought of having little ones making a mess of my kitchen sounded horrible and I figured I'd probably never really let them help. But now God has softened my type-A heart and I love nothing more that when they ask to help and spill the flour all over the place. I love to see everything you let your kiddos do with you. What a godly spirit you have to train them up :)


  9. Little helpers are the best! Such a wonderful blessing!


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Tim, Allyson and kids