Dear April,

I'm so glad you're here. Winter was too long this year and you are a sight for sore eyes.

I love you because you always make the hope of spring a reality. The longer daylight you bring gives us a chance to enjoy the outdoors and the fellowship with friends and neighbors that it brings. The celebration of Jesus' resurrection falls within your days and helps to remind us of the new life we have in Christ.

So far since you've been here we've:

enjoyed a wonderful visit with Papa & Meme

received a package from Grand-daddy & Maw

enjoyed dancing with the crinkly wrapping paper that hid the little ones' new clothes

gone to bed way too late after discovering that our newest addition is a bit of a night owl

dressed Eliya in her first non-gown outfit

started hanging diapers out to dry in the sun

celebrated the fact that Christ is risen

attempted to get a nice photo of the little ones in their new Easter outfits

finally settled with this one

brought our summer clothes out of their hiding places in boxes in the back of the closet

wondered what Emahry would wear this summer

been reminded of God's provision through bags of beautiful hand-me-down clothes for our girl

battled with teething

posted a Songs for Saplings CD Giveaway

rejoiced in Jonathan pottying successes, however small or temporary

begun wearing sunglasses daily

enjoyed playing outside in the sunset light

continued counting God's endless gifts.

Before you leave I hope to:

finish sewing the curtains for the kids' bedroom

established a morning routine that will help me keep my focus on serving Christ through serving my family

begin exercising at least 3 days a week

implement a daily walk with the little ones

finish writing thank you cards

reorganize our closets

get back into the habit of praying specifically for Tim daily

enjoy visiting Dollywood again and watching the circus.

Thanks for everything April.


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  1. LOL! Great pictures, they're all so adorable.

    And Dear April,

    Pollen is killing me, can you please go a little easy on the pollen for the next few weeks?


  2. Wool is lanolyzed... I mean, lanolin comes from sheep and sheep's wool so having lanolin in it is a given. I think that's what makes the wool waterproof. But check another source before you quote me on that. THat stinks that your allergic to it. Lanolin is such great stuff all around :-(

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Tim, Allyson and kids