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A Season of Change, A Change of Heart

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A Heart For Home: A Season of Change, A Change of Heart

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Season of Change, A Change of Heart

It always seems as soon as I start getting used to our "normal" life, our definition of "normal" changes. I think God just uses this as a reminder that I am a completely and utterly lost without Him and still in need of grace every moment.

These ever changing seasons can also turn my heart toward embracing the blessings of each day, if I only let them. This sinful nature is a strong and stubborn opponent. Oh, how quick I still am to see blessings as burdens and opportunities as obstacles.

I love the idea of counting my blessing and have seen some attitude changes since beginning my Endless Gifts list. However, I hope this is only the tip of the iceberg. I so want to leave a legacy of gratitude in the hearts of my children, but some days gratitude is the last thing on my to do list, right there with appreciating my family and being joyful. How's that for honesty? Those things that are most important so often get pushed aside in order to get the laundry done or the dishes washed. But, whoever said I couldn't get my tasks accomplished while still maintaining a sense of appreciation and expressing joy and gratitude to those around me.

That is so often my problem; I see the chores of the day as hurdles to jump and mountains to climb instead of time I am blessed to spend caring for my family and training my children. Oh, how I sometimes envy those people who love to clean! But I too can find joy in my tasks. I can open the gift of each day with anticipation and move through each moment focusing on the blessings of a healthy, happy family and a well run home.

Instead of hurrying through my "chores" in order to "get to" something fun I can turn my everyday tasks into times of fellowship and learning as I teach my children to appreciate blessings and to enjoy caring for others. While scrubbing the ever present stains out of Tim's work uniform I can say, "We're so glad that Daddy works so hard for us. Thank you God for Daddy's job." I can also use our tasks as ways to teach them more about God and how he want our lives to be; "When we trust in Jesus and give him our lives God scrubs away the sin in our hearts and helps us to be clean and holy."

What are some tangible ways that you help train your heart to be grateful and joyous? How do you express this gratitude and joy to those around you? I'd love your input. I'd also appreciate your thoughts and prayers as I strive to be a woman after God's own heart.

May we all continue to grow in grace,


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