Songs for Saplings CD Winner

It looks like I've finally caught up with announcing giveaway winners! Sorry it's taken me so long, but our life has been a little crazy and blogging was just the last thing on my to-do list (well, maybe right above scrubbing the ceiling or alphabetically organizing my spice cabinet).

Anyway, we've finally chosen a winner through Congratulations Jenn @ Beautiful Calling. You should receive an email from us shortly.

Thanks to everyone who entered! When life calms down a bit I hope to be able to visit your blogs and catch up a little on our posting here.

Thanks for understanding and we are taking volunteers for washing diapers, dishes, heinys, and pollen enduced runny noses, in no particular order.

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Thanks for visiting and we hope you'll be back often!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Thank you so much for stopping by! We love hearing from you and enjoy reading each comment.

I love replying to comments, so please consider showing your email address in your Blogger profile so I can respond. Thanks!

Tim, Allyson and kids