Endless Gifts

Daily I'm surrounded by wonderful gifts from God, yet many times I choose to see the disappointments instead of the blessings.

Today I choose to be a cheerful recipient, a joy finder, a gift counter.

#159. Sunshine.

#160. Great deals on natural items we need and have been wanting to try.

#161. The hum of the sewing machine during naptime.

#162. Finally finishing the curtains for the kid's room.

#163. Our trip to the petting zoo.

#164. Meeting up with good friends on the road as they move to a different state. (Their four kids + our three.)

#165. $1.50/bag rummage sales. (All this plus 2 more shirts fit in one bag)

#166. Sprinklers.

#167. The anticipation of an upcoming trip to visit family.

#168. The faces of the four people I love most.

#169. Sidewalk chalk.

#170. This happy baby girl. (Stop back by on Wednesday for more cute pictures from this "photo shoot.")

Please leave a comment telling us what you are thankful for today.

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday

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  1. The best and dearest things in life are really free! I'm so thankful for my little family! Me, Hubby, and daughter, make three. :)

  2. Love the pictures, especially cool to see you hooked up with the Waldos. Look forward to seeing you all soon!


  3. love the great deal you found at the garage sale


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Tim, Allyson and kids