The Beginning of the End

Maybe it's the former teacher in me, but August 1st always feels like the beginning of the end of summer. While we have quite a bit planned for the rest of this month, family visiting and our first official family vacation since the kids were born, we are also getting geared up for the fall and the start of school.

This year will be Tim's last year of undergraduate work. This will also be our first "real" year of "homeschooling" Emahry.

I use "real" and "homeschooling" very loosely since we believe that we begin to teach our children from birth and we most definitely will not be found sitting at the table completing workbooks for any length of time. We will try to make as much of our learning play and real life based as usual while also striving to train Emahry to attend to one activity for longer than 2 minutes at a time :)

I think Tim and I have narrowed in on our preferred method of training Emahry into short structured sections of learning (say that 5 times fast) and will be implementing a lot of our own ideas as well as activities from Laura's Learn your Letters...Learn to Serve and the Songs for Saplings ABCs CD. We will also spend time each week compiling a few activities into a letter lapbook that we can use to review and reinforce Emahry's learning (and hopefully use with Jonathan in a couple of years).

We look forward to sharing our homeschooling adventures with you and would love to know how you are preparing for the coming school year.

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Tim, Allyson and kids