On the Docket for Today

Today is Thursday which means LAUNDRY DAY.

Three loads planned for today, plus possibly washing sheets if we get to it. We have a full day!

Tim's off all afternoon and evening, so the kids and I will try to get everything done this morning.

We're also going to squeeze in a long walk to get us out of the house before the heat gets too bad, as soon as we get a load moved over to the dryer and get everyone pottied (or is it pottyed or is it just not a real word?) and dressed.

Nothing feels quite as refreshing as entering air conditioning after a long walk that ends in a big uphill trek to our house. Especially when you are wearing one baby and pushing the other two in a double stroller. Honestly, if I did this everyday I'd probably lose 10 pounds in a month :)

Also, I need to make a shopping list during nap time today so we'll be ready for running errands tomorrow. I've just started on the adventure of couponing and drug store shopping, so the planning is a little more necessary.

Any tips for a coupon and drug store newbie?

What are you planning for today?

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Tim, Allyson and kids