ERGObaby Carrier Review

With three children ages 3 years, 2 years, and 7 months, baby-wearing is one of the ways I help keep my sanity, especially when we're out of the house. Baby-wearing has also become very popular for good reasons. Not only does it free up your hands to deal with chores, errands, or other children, but it is great on your back.

I was so excited when we received our ERGObaby carrier. As soon as I put it on I thought how comfortable it was. ERGObaby carriers support the baby's spine and promotes the healthiest position for baby's hips while they are in the carrier.

The ERGObaby carriers can be worn in the front, back, and hip. The front position is best for newborns to 6 months. There is even an infant insert that helps position baby more comfortably and can be easily placed inside the carrier and rearranged simply. This insert is highly recommended in order to keep babies under 4 months positioned safely in the carrier.

The ERGObaby carrier can also be worn on the back. This is the position mostly used for 6 months and up, as long as the baby can hold their head up on their own. A built in hood supports a sleeping baby's head and makes your activity easier.

ERGObaby carriers can also be used to hold older children on your hip. I have yet to try this position,but expect to use it more as Eliya gets older.

I love using the ERGObaby carrier for walks and errands with Eliya. This carrie is definitely the most comfortabl carrier I've used with babies over 15 pounds!

A Few of My Favorite Features:

~The side straps that rest on your shoulders and the waist strap are both very padded. There are two buckles- one that rests on your waist/hips and one that crosses your chest/back, securing baby safely.

~The color selection of the carriers is amazing- you can get whatever makes you happy!

~I love how simple it is to adjust the sizing on the carrier. It so easy to change the sizing for carrying on the front or back and makes it easy to trade off the baby wearing with your husband.

~I also love the built in hood- when not in use, there is a convenient pocket for it to
slide into.

~There is also a zippered pouch on the front, which is great for keys, cellphone and other necessities!

ERGObaby also makes several accessories to go with the carrier, such as a backpack, cargo pack, changing pad, they even make a mini version for children to carry around baby dolls!

View all of the great ERGObaby designs on their website.

The only downfall of this carrier is the price. The Original & Sport ERGObaby carriers run for $105. While the Organic and Performance ERGObaby carriers cost between $120 and $148. The fact that the price is the only negative makes me think that it ma be worth the cost. However, you can also keep an eye on the ERGObaby Auctions page to snatch up a gently used carrier for around $80.

Are you a babywearer? What it your favorite carrier?

A special thanks to Hannah from ERGObaby who made this review possible. While we received the ERGObaby carrier at no cost,the opinions expressed are wholly our own.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, how wonderful that you have an Ergo. We have one and I can't imagine anything more wonderful and comfortable.

    You mentioned they are pricey; which is true but in my appears they retain their value and when you are done with it; I'm sure that some of the initial investment can be recouped. That, and with an Ergo carrier you're almost guaranteed years of happy babywearing!

    Great review by the way!


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Tim, Allyson and kids