Jonathan's Birth Story: Part 1

Since, Jonathan will be turning two at the end of this month this birth story is shamefully overdue. But, my friend Kristin's latest birth story has inspired me to finally post it and it's better late than never!

What was I Thinking?

On Friday, Semptember 19, 2008, Tim and I drove an hour to go to my 36 week appointment with Carol, my midwife. We had also recently found a couch and loveseat set on Craigslist about another 30 minutes from our midwives' office so we had made arrangements to pick up the set after my appointment.

During our appointment my midwife assured us that everything looked great and and we were also able to finally get a tour of the hospital-housed birthing center. After our tour we drove to pick up our new living room furniture. The lady that sold it to us helped Tim load it into the truck and we began the drive back home.

On our way home, we called my mom who was watching Emahry and asked her to meet us at our house to unload the new furniture. She was already there by the time we arrived. However, the large size of the couch and loveseat when combined with our small front door proved moving the furniture in more difficult then we had believed it would be. Finally, I helped my mom hold up one end while Tim wriggled the front end into the house.

Don't ask me why I thought I could lift and help move a couch and loveseat when I was 36 weeks pregnant. If you do, I'll blame it on hormones and call it a day.

Read On... Part 2: Sorting through Baby Clothes and Contractions

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  1. So, so much fun to read this. Which midwife were you seeing: Carol or Penny?

  2. Carol. We loved her! (Added her name to the story above.)

  3. We loved Carol, too! However, she left the practice last summer to work closer to home. (She lives on the Wester Shore somewhere.) So this time, we used the new midwife, Dana, who was very young (27, I think) and also very good!


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Tim, Allyson and kids