Any Tips for Photographing Multiple Young Children?

Alright, mamas (and anyone else who may read this). My mission tomorrow is to photograph all three of our children together. That's right, a 3 year old, 2 year old, and 8 month old who is not sitting up on her own. I'm determined to not let some free photo printing credits expire before I use them. As an added bonus, my wonderful husband is out of town, so I will be attempting this feat alone!
I'd love any tips, tricks, or suggestions you may have. At this point I'm willing to try pretty much anything, except waiting until they are all older.
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  1. Honestly, the best photos are REAL photos. Dress the kids, havea few 'props' in mind, and let them go for a few minutes with you snapping away. Natural light is best, but not direct sunlight. For example, for a nice fall picture, spread out a plaid blanket, have some leaves visible, maybe a pumpkin, but have the blanket be placed in shade, or wait until it's cloudy out. Place the smallest child on the blanket and ask the other two to 'take' items to the baby. Whether the items be gourds, corn, etc....fall related. And then take pitcures of them interacting. The profiles and postures of the kids will be priceless. Good luck. :)

  2. We always take photos outside. The backgrounds are prettier and the sunlight is great for the picture. And I try to get the kids to be as natural as possible. Lots of posing just frustrates them and me! Sometimes a neutral face is as good as you can hope for. As long as they aren't frowning or crying, accept that sometimes they just won't smile and that's okay. Hope it goes well and I hope you post a few shots from your photo session.

  3. Blondee,

    Great idea about having the two oldest take things to the baby!

  4. Kristin,

    Your newest photos turned out great! Yes, lots of posing frustrates everyone.

    We'll definitely post some of our photos if all goes well.

  5. If you have a wagon that works great for several littles. Or if there is a slide nearby they can all sit on it towards the bottom. Also, sometimes it's fun to do bubbles, you can have the oldest blow some while the littles are reaching. Lollipops work too. You can get some cute shots while they lick away. Good luck!

  6. heartchild,

    Great idea about the wagon. One of our neighbor/friends has one, so I'll see if we can borrow it.


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Tim, Allyson and kids