Worth the Cost

Eliya went to bed at 9 PM tonight. Emahry and Jonathan were long gone before that. Our home was a little on the messy side. Dishes were stacked haphazardly beside the sink, two unfolded piles of clean laundry covered the loveseat and the book and toy remnants of today's play laid scattered on the living room floor.

I was weary from a busy day, but oh how I love waking up to a clean home. So, I decided to stay up to remedy the situation.

Dishes Washed -- CHECK
Laundry Folded -- CHECK
Toys and Book Reshelved -- CHECK
An extra Load of Laundry Started -- CHECK

Waking up to a clean home is definitely a Finer Thing. (I hope I still appreciate the effort and the sacrificed sleep in the morning.)
How about you? Do you ever stay up late so that you can have a fresh start the next morning? Do you think it's worth it?
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  1. It is worth it to me. If I wake up to a dirty kitchen it sets the mood for my entire day and it isn't good. I must wake up to the main part of my house being cleaned up. I don't worry about the basement which is where the toy room is but I make sure the main floor is cleaned up for sure. You are not alone. :)

  2. I ALWAYS make sure the house is straight before I go to bed. The sacrificed sleep is always worth it to me because if I go to bed with clutter, I think about it and when I wake up in the morning knowing it is there, I start the day off wrong. I get less sleep just thinking of what I have to do! When I was pregnant, I couldn't sleep one night and I actually got up at midnight to clean the bathroom. :-) When I was done, I slept soundly.

  3. You must be my long lost twin sister, lol. I am the same way. Exhausted at the end of the day from keeping up with 4 kids. They are typically passed out before the house is cleaned up so I straighten everything up including dishes in the dishwasher. I cannot stand waking up to dishes on the counter or the house a mess. I hate that it bothers me as I would love to get more sleep but I like my clean house. :-)


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Tim, Allyson and kids