Fall Photos

A few days ago we asked for tips for photographing multiple young children. There were a few great comments.

Blondee suggested having a few autumn props, like pumpkins and gourds, and staying out of direct sunlight.

Kristin reminded me to not stress out over getting everyone to look at me and smile. Kristin's latest photos of her children also encouraged me not to worry about matching the kid's clothing too much as I could always make the finished photos black and white. I also dug back in Kristin's archives to a post she wrote on being her own "professional" photographer.

Heartchild suggested loading the kids in a wagon or sitting them at the bottom of a slide.

Armed with these tips, we headed out to capture a shot. Oh, and I mean capture. Most of the "photo shoot" looked like this...

Someone's mouth open...

Someone's eyes closed...

Someone launching a pumpkin...

or missing a child entirely...
(You can just barely see Jonathan next to the tree in the background)

Before I really got anything that I thought was very good, we were forced to head home by mosquitoes that I feared might carry the baby away. Once everyone was safe inside I uploaded one of the photos to picnik.com (my favorite free online photo editor) and managed to get this...

It's Frugal and it Works for Me. While it's not going to win a photo contest any time soon, I think it definitely captures our children how they are right now--and really isn't that the whole point? Remember this age, how they are right now is definitely a Finer Thing.
Do you have any more tips for photographing young children? We'd love to try out some of your ideas!

Feel free to link to some favorite photos of your children. Hopefully, they'll be able to inspire someone else to save money and take their own children's photos.
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  1. Wow! Your kids are growing up so fast!

  2. Yes, black and white eliminates the need to match clothing! I love how your picture turned out. Gavin was looking, too, and he likes that you left the pumpkins orange!

  3. This picture is adorable! Great job, Allyson! (And I'm with Gavin on the orange pumpkins. ;-)

    Pictures with little ones is always an adventure. We were once trying to get a "cousins" picture for my mom to use on her Christmas card. The cousins ranged from age 3 to age 17 at the time. We took *one* picture (one!) before the three-year-old had a meltdown. We tried to salvage the photo shoot, but to no avail. But when the pictures were developed, we were amazed to discover that our one shot was a really good picture. It is one of my favorites of the six of them to this day!

    You just never know!

  4. (Grammatical correction: *Taking* pictures with little ones...) ;-)

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Tim, Allyson and kids