Laughter Lightening the Load

Many days my tasks seam impossible--my schedule is full, my responsiblities are endless, I never have "free time" or a day off. However, a joyful heart can easily turn my attitude around. Just by looking for the small gifts I am able to see my life as a sea with every drop of water a blessing poured out from heaven itself.

These days, of little ones underfoot, high demands and limited sleep are the perfect time for my to learn to rely more on the one who made me and knows exactly what I need and what I can handle.

These days, he's teaching me to lighten my load by trusting him and finding joy in the blessings that small children bring.

He's reminded me recently that one of the blessing I had taken for granted was the laughter of my children. The laughter of a small child is so pure and infectious. Now I'm trying to stop and join in every time I hear the beautiful sound.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
~Proverbs 17:22

There are also plenty of things said by these little voices that can easily bring a smile or a laugh. Who knew a three year old could be so funny.

Emahry: Mama,can we play outside.
Me: No, honey, it's raining right now.
Emahry: Mama, it's not raining too hard, the sky is just leaking a little. Maybe if the leak was stopped, then could we go out?
Me: (supressing a giggle) Yes, love, when the leaking stops then we can go out.

How is laughter lightening the load in your home today?
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Tim, Allyson and kids