Joyful Girl Naturals {Review & Giveaway}

Introduction: Joyful Girl Naturals is the Etsy shop owned and operates by Shelly. Shelly has 5 children and 2 grand children. She's been making herbal remedies, aromatherapy products and natural beauty products for years.

Shelly's goal is to provide effective, natural products that everyone can afford. She infuses her own oils, and creates her own recipes.

In Shelly's products you will not find any chemicals which have been found to be a hazard to our health, parabens, sls, propylene glycol, or Triclosan.

At Joyful Girl Naturals the motto is "Health Before Wealth" which helps to explain Shelly's very reasonable prices.

Selection: Joyful Girl Naturals carries a wide selection of natural personal and home care items. Shelly's products are divided into the following categories: Face & Body Care, Cleaning Naturally, All Things Moisturizing, Exfoliation Station, New Products, Children of All Ages, Natural Remedies, Natural Man Stuff, Hair Care Products and Gifts.

Review: Shelly blessed our family with two natural deodorants from Joyful Girl Naturals. Tim reviewed the Natural Patchouli Deodorant for Moderate to Heavy Perspiration and I reviewed the Natural Lavender Deodorant for Mild Perspiration. What I first noticed when these deodorants arrived was that I could smell them without opening the package, and they smelled great. One of the ladies that works at our post office even commented about the "great smelling package."

These natural deodorants are in easy to use tubes that are shaped and function like huge lip balm tubes. They are also clearly labeled with the type of deodorant and the ingredients.

The Patchouli Deodorant was a great choice for Tim. While this scent could easily work for a woman as well I think it lends itself more to being for men. Tim has really enjoyed using the smooth solid stick deodorant and has found that as long as he is clean when he puts it on it can easily keep him smelling fresh all day long. We did have a little problem with deodorant residue becoming embedded in Tim's white undershirts, but when I contacted Shelly she told us that this is probably because Tim was applying too much deodorant and that this isn't an issue with normal application.

I am also very pleased with my Lavender Deodorant. I love the smell and it keeps me smelling good all day. However, as with all of the natural deodorants I've tried your underarms must be clean in order for the deodorant to work effectively. Since I usually don't shower every day I simply freshen up my underarms with soap and a wash cloth before applying the deodorant.

Overall, we are really pleased with our deodorants from Joyful Girl Naturals and would love to add some more to our medicine cabinet.

Buy It: You can purchase your own Natural Patchouli or Natural Lavender Deodorant from Joyful Girl Naturals for only $5.95 plus s&h.

Win It: Shelly has decided to bless one of your with the same two deodorants we reviewed

To Enter This Giveaway:

1. Visit Joyful Girl Naturals and browse around, then come back and tell us one item that Shelly makes that you'd love to have.

Make sure you leave an email address with each entry if it is not posted in your profile. (If we don't have your email address we will have to choose a new winner.)

For additional entries you may do any (or all) of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each entry. If you complete one of the following that is worth more than one entry, please leave the corresponding number of comments so your extra entries will be counted!

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4. Follow us on Twitter ~ leave your twitter ID in your comment (1 entry)

5. Tweet about this giveaway ~ leave the URL to your tweet & include @heart4home & #Giveaway. (1 entry) Feel free to use this tweet: Green & Clean Event Nov 1-Dec 13 @heart4home GREAT #giveaways Please RT

The giveaway will end Tuesday, November 30th at 11:59pm EST. We will pick the winner through

Photo Credit: Joyful Girl Naturals and A Heart for Home

(While the above product was provided to A Heart for Home for review, no other compensation was given. All remarks are the personal and honest opinions of A Heart for Home. The prize for this giveaway will been supplied and shipped by the sponsor. A Heart for Home is not responsible for any unsent, lost or damaged prizes.)

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  1. The fizzy toilet cleaning tablets look neat, I'd like to try those!

  2. My children's room could seriously use the carpet freshener!! I bet it would work wonders on the diaper pail, too.

    tresmarias.designs at gmail

  3. I would like to try the toilet cleaner.

  4. I'd also love to have the Organic Foaming Face Wash Anti Acne Natural Skin Care

    sswpss at yahoo dot com

  5. I'd love to try the natural hair gel. I hate putting tons of chemicals in my hair!
    maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com

  6. herbal skin healing cream
    taraz9 at excite dot com

  7. subscribe 1
    taraz9 at excite dot com

  8. subscribe 2
    taraz9 at excite dot com

    taraz9 at excite dot com

  10. Follow on Twitter - @curious_kitty
    taraz9 at excite dot com

  11. the dry scalp formula

  12. I would love to try her SLS free shampoo.

  13. Id like to try the "Restless Leg Relief Oil"

    mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

  14. I follow on Twitter!
    (Tina Bo Bina)
    mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

  15. I would love to try either Organic Lavender Face Wash or that Patchouli Deodorant.

  16. The organic hand soap or the deodorant both look awesome!
    Sara A
    shemaschool at bellsouth dot net

  17. I subscribe to email
    Sara A
    shemaschool at bellsouth dot net

  18. I follow you publicly
    Sara A
    shemaschool at bellsouth dot net

  19. I'd like to try the herbal skin healing cream


  20. The Herbal Skin Healing Cream sounds great! Perfect for dry winter hands.
    kmogilevski at gmail dot com

  21. Follow you through GFC (katie, kmogilevski)
    kmogilevski at gmail dot com

  22. Follow on Twitter (kmogilevski)
    kmogilevski at gmail dot com

  23. Tweeted (
    kmogilevski at gmail dot com

  24. since i'm not getting any younger, i'd try the calendula eye cream.

    zaydainjapan at yahoo dot com

  25. i subscribe. #1

    zaydainjapan at yahoo dot com

  26. I would love to try the Organic Mango Butter Hand the smell of mango. Thanks for the chance to win...

    dan_jody at

  27. Oh... I just have to try the Organic calendula eye cream.

  28. Melanie Calcut is a GFC follower.


  30. organic eye cream looks great!
    hannahsking at gmail dot com

  31. subscribe to the email
    entry 2
    hannahsking at gmail dot com

  32. follow on gfc
    hannahsking at gmail dot com

  33. I have the worst dry, chapped lips so I would love to try "Organic Lip Healing Oil"

  34. I subscribed to receive updated through e-mail, thanks!

  35. Im now following your blog via Google Friend Connect!

  36. I would love to try the spray for unruly, frizzy hair!
    miamichickens at yahoo dot com

  37. I am trying to get into more natural deodorant so I would love to win this!
    I love Etsy too!
    Checked out their shop and I like the natural fizzy toilet cleaning tablets!

    jacnsam at gmail dot com

  38. i'd live to try the healing skin cream
    k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

  39. subscribe
    k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

  40. subscribe 2
    k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

  41. google friend connect
    k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

  42. I would like to try the Anti Aging Moisturizer Bee Whip.


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Tim, Allyson and kids