List It, Link It ~ Ideas to Get You Started

We're beginning a new feature here at A Heart for Home. Every Thursday we'll be posting a list and asking you to join in by linking to a list of your own or by leaving your list in the comments section.

Any family friendly list can be included. Here are several ideas to get your creative (or not so creative) juices flowing. And yes, this is our list for today...don't judge.

1. favorite books
2. ten things you love about Thanksgiving
3. twenty reasons you love your husband, mother, best friend or dog
4. places you'd like to visit or live
5. your Christmas wish list
6. presents you have left to buy/make
7. five new recipes you want to try before Januray 1st
8. three areas of your home that need to be organized
9. eight things you do every day
10. one hundred things about you
11. great blog posts you stumbled upon this week
12. favorite movies
13. five people you've never met bt wish you could
14. six things you want to be remembered for
15. the top ten things you want to teach your children
16. five things you wouldn't have survived your child's newborn phase without
17. three things you've been procrastinating
18. your all time favorite gifts
19. your favorite scriptures
20. three things you could eat every day

Okay everyone…it’s your turn now!!! Please follow the guidelines below.

1. Link to your actual list, not your blog's home page, so we can find it easily.

2. Let us know what list you are sharing in your name/title, for example: Allyson @ A Heart for Home (Ten Favorite Children's Books)

3. In your list post, link back here so that your readers can come join the fun. Feel free to copy & paste our List It, Link It Button into your post. (Just copy the text in the box below the button, click on the "Edit HTML" tab for your post and paste it there.)

A Heart for Home

If you don’t have a blog, please feel free to share your lists in the comments section!

Okay, are you ready? Start linking and be sure to visit some other blogs when you get a chance.

This linky is now closed, come back next Thursday to enter your List It, Link It post.

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Tim, Allyson and kids