Your Opinions...Please?

My husband and I have been talking about the future of our blog and what direction we should go. We do have a goal to use our blog as a way to help & bless others, but also be able to supplement our monthly income either through sponsorship or review/giveaways of products we use.


How can we make this blog helpful for you? If you've been around awhile, what types of posts do you like? Which ones turn you off?

What would you like to see us blog about? Families, faith, natural living, great products, deals, crafts, healthy eating, etc.?

We'd REALLY like your input as we look to make our blog more helpful to you and meet our own goals as well.
Please, leave us a comment or email us at a_heart4home @ yahoo . come (remove spaces).

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Thanks for visiting and we hope you'll be back often! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. Giveaways are fun, but I never win them. lol

    I love crafts, but also love tutorial, learning type things, too.

  2. I found and fell in love with your blog to add to my reader rather recent, so I will wait to see what you have! Looking forward to it!

  3. My favorite types of posts are posts about what's going on in the blogger's life! Milestones, fun outings, what's cooking on the stove, crafts-- stuff like that. Something that turns me off to a blog is too many giveaways and reviews, except for actual planned events, like the Green and Clean event! That's fun! But I've seen too many blogs just turn into an endless string of advertisements with no real content.

  4. I do like the giveaways because they're relevant to you and your family. And I have a chance at a cool product. What I like the most though are the family/parenting posts and natural living. You seem to have similar ideas to mine on how to raise children, but you still give me inspiration with new ideas, and reminders about what I already know but just am too distracted to remember. Like that each moment is precious. The pumpkin pie post touched me.


Thank you so much for stopping by! We love hearing from you and enjoy reading each comment.

I love replying to comments, so please consider showing your email address in your Blogger profile so I can respond. Thanks!

Tim, Allyson and kids