Thank You for Your Prayers

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, comments and emails regarding Tim's surgery. Here's a quick update.

Tim's first surgery date was rescheduled due to a cold. His second surgery date was for today, December 27th. However, last week his cold turned into a full blown sinus infection and ear infection. The pain got so bad that Tim went to the emergency room last Monday night. The doctor there said his ear was very infected and swelling to the point of possibly rupturing.  Tim was put on antibiotics to help his body fight off the sinus and ear infection. 

It's been a week and Tim's finally shaken the sinus infection. The ear infection is another matter entirely and is still causing him pain. Therefore, we've had to cancel his reconstructive foot surgery since we've passed the window of opportunity that would give him enough time to be on bed rest before school begins again. (We'll now have to wait for his next long break of time off to have this surgery.)

Today, instead of being in surgery, Tim is getting squeezed in at the ears, nose, & throat doctor to try and figure out what is going on with his ear.

Please, continue to keep our family in your prayers as we try to get Tim back to good health.

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  1. By His stripes we are healed. Praying a speedy and miraclous recovery.


  2. Praying for God's perfect timing and for Tim's health!


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Tim, Allyson and kids