Emahry's Thoughts on More Siblings

Last night, Emahry informed me that the next time I have a baby I should have two (like our neighbor/friend).

I asked her if it would be nice to have a boy and a girl so that she could have another brother and another sister.

After thinking for a moment she said:

"Yes, a brother and sister would be good...but how 'bout two boys and two girls. Then you could hold one, Daddy could hold one, I could hold one, and Jonathan could hold one...

...but sometimes Jonathan throws baby dolls and drops them on their head, so maybe that isn't a good idea."

Whew, I'm glad she thought that one through.

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  1. That made me chuckle! I'm also glad that she thought that one out. :)

  2. So cute! I love how she wants a baby for everyone to hold. :-D

  3. How cute kids can be!! Sure one of each to hold. They have no clue how hard that would be for you! Funny

  4. My kids want twins, too. I'm glad they think babies are fun and not a burden. I'm also glad that even though I know how hard it would be to care for 2 babies, I haven't given them the impression that children too much work.


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Tim, Allyson and kids