Endless Gifts

#248. Baking with two little helpers.

#249. Leftover cornbread breakfasts.

#250. An entire family outing to the grocery store, oh how much easier with Daddy along.

#251. An evening of fun at the neighborhood playground...without heavy winter coats.

#252. Last minute baking with the whole family.

#253. A free vitamin prize pack from Earth Fare.

#254. Quick and healthy banana muffins for breakfast, a welcomed start to house cleaning day.

#255. Finally getting the spare room back together and organized.

#256. Crafting with the kids... without things getting too messy.

#257. His hand on my back during one of Eliya's middle of the night wakings.

#258. Slippers with holes, worn comfortable by many days.

#259. Dirty dishes, proof that we've baked together and eaten well.

#260. Emahry's and Jonathan's scheduled "cookie date" with my sister today, falling right in the middle of house cleaning and the time when I'll be putting Eliya down for a nap.

#261. Some time to quickly clean by myself while the children are all happily entertained or sleeping.

#262. Easily keeping up with my 10 Year Journal.

What are you thankful for today?

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday
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Tim, Allyson and kids