Endless Gifts

#272. A welcomed warm weather weekend.

#273. Playing outside all afternoon.

#274. No coats, hats, or even jackets.

#275. Not worrying about if anyone was getting too cold.

#276. Catching up with neighbor/friends.

#277. Pushing swings.

#278. Baby friends sitting on a grassy hill together.

#279. All the kids in bed by 7:45.

#280. Climbing into bed myself at a record 7:59!

What are you thankful for today?

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday
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  1. oh #277 is such a beautiful gift. all too soon they'll be too big for pushing, and then too big for swinging. enjoy that gift now while you can :) i do!

  2. So glad you could get to rest early! Joining you in gratitude today!


  3. Hello there! Your sweet list of things you're thankful for brought a smile this morning. I can so relate. Hopefully, you'll thaw out soon - I'll send some of my California sunshine your way (lol).
    Be blessed today :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids