List It, Link It ~ January Goals

10 Goals for January 2011
in no particular order

1. Begin a more consistent time of Bible reading and prayer everyday.

2. Make or purchase a 10 year journal and write at least a sentence for each day.

3. Check out the 30 Day Shred Workout DVD from the library and begin using it.

4. Plan the spring semester for homeschooling.

5. Get our family calendar filled in and posted.

6. Get outside with the kids at least 4 days a week, even if it's only for 10 minutes.

7. Continue to work on helping Eliya sleep better at night.

8. Continue more focused potty training with Jonathan. We're almost there!

9. Stay consistent with my house cleaning schedule.

10. Organize the recipes I use for meal planning.

Okay everyone…it’s your turn now!!! You may link to any type of family friendly list. 

Please follow the guidelines below.

1. Link to your actual list, not your blog's home page, so we can find it easily.

2. Let us know what list you are sharing in your name/title, for example: Allyson @ A Heart for Home (Ten Favorite Children's Books) 

3. In your list post, link back here so that your readers can come join the fun. Feel free to copy & paste our List It, Link It Button into your post. (Just copy the text in the box below the button, click on the "Edit HTML" tab for your post and paste it there.)

A Heart for Home

If you don’t have a blog, please feel free to share your lists in the comments section!

Okay, are you ready? Start linking and be sure to visit some other blogs when you get a chance.

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  1. Great idea Allyson! I really like your goal of writing at least one sentence per day. I'd like to do that too. I think it will help the days from all blurring together and prevent that feeling of "where did all the time go?"

  2. I love your list! I consider my blog a journal? Great idea of 10 year journal. Go for the house cleaning. :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids