Organizing Your Time for the New Year

If you're anything like me (or thousands of others worldwide) one of your goals for the new year may be to make better use of your time and get your schedule working for you not against you.

If so, I have good news for you! 

I've recently read Amy's new ebook Tell Your Time and can't wait to go through it with Tim and begin implementing her tips to help our family accomplish everything we need to without feeling overwhelmed and stressed out!

I think one of the best tips in Amy's book is the idea of setting up an envelope system for your time. Much like a money budgeting envelope system, time budgeting envelope style requires that you prioritize your activities and place them into pre-determined "envelopes" so as to not overspend your time.

This is how the concept works (excerpt from Tell Your Time):
  1. Total up the hours in a day (or week). That’s easy, 24 (or 168).
  2. Make a list of the activities you want to accomplish in that time (i.e. your envelopes).
  3. Divvy up your activities between your allotted time envelopes.
  4. If there isn’t enough time in the day to cover one of your activities, you have four choices:
    • “Steal” time from one of your other activities.
    • Figure out a way to streamline so it takes less time.
    • Get someone else to do it for you.
    • Drop it completely.
In Amy's book she outlines how to determine your goals and then break those down into manageable chunks of time. She also discusses the pitfalls to avoid and the principles to adopt in order to meet your goals without becoming stressed out and stretched thin.

Amy has also included several printables with her ebook to help you map out your goals, time, and schedule.

I believe Amy's book could help anyone with time management, no matter what season of life they are in. I'm very excited to see the changes that come about in our home after we've implemented these changes. 

Oh, and one of the best things about Tell Your Time, it's a quick and easy read tat won't make you feel like you're wasting time trying to figure out how not to waste time. In less than 30 pages you'll be able to start setting up changes in your life that will leave you feeling more fulfilled and less frantic.

Also, now through January 7th you can get Tell You Time for only $7 by using the promotional code CLEANSLATE.

Do you have any time management tips that work great for you? Leave us a comment, we'd love to hear about them.

Disclosure: By purchasing through the links above you are helping to support A Heart for Home and our family - at no cost to you, of course. It's a win-win situation for all involved. Thanks!

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Tim, Allyson and kids