Our Father...

Exuberant laughter floods from the living room where the little ones are wrapped up in a game of indoor soccer with Daddy. I stand at the sink, dirty dishes piled, arms deep in warm suds. I read the the words on the card nestled on the sill.

"Our Father who art in heaven,"
why would you even bother with me, yet it's amazing how it feels that you're right here

"Hallowed be Thy name"
because really what name could ever be sweeter?

"Thy Kingdom come"
I always need more of you, your ways, your thoughts, your kingdom

"Thy will be done in earth,"
in earth, in me, in this hard heart of mine, in my life

"as it is in heaven."
help me to listen and obey just like I will one day in heaven...immediately and with a joyful heart

"Give us this day our daily bread."
just what we need, no more or we may think we don't need you, no less or we may feel abandoned

"And forgive us our debts,"
oh, Lord they are so many, how do you ever forgive so much?

"as we forgive our debtors."
help us to remember their sins against us are so small in comparison to our sins against you

"And lead us not into temptation,"
we are so weak, don't let us fail before we even have a chance

"But deliver us from evil:"
because really...no one else can

"For Thine is the kingdom,"
everything else that fights for our attention is really only small kings of small kingdoms, all will pass away

"and the power"
oh, how we need your power...to love, to serve, even just to be

"and the glory forever."
fame fades, trophies tarnish, diplomas tatter and tear, bodies age...but not You...only You last

My mind is brought back to this moment. Kid's scramble into the kitchen, searching for a snack...fifteen minutes after clearing the dinner table. 

I remind myself that these moments matter.

I am being shaped into His likeness...so are they.

"The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place,
must not be the things lived for;
 the highest must be sought and followed;
the life of heaven must be begun here on earth."
  ~Excerpted from Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery

How are you purposing to live with an eternal focus today? Make the most of these moments, these fleeting moments. They are each a blessing if we only choose to see them. 
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Tim, Allyson and kids