Endless Gifts

#305. Cramming all three little ones into the top car portion of the bright orange cart because the two oldest wanted Eliya to be able to drive, too.

#304. Assistance on every aisle, even though it was unneeded. A woman alone with three kids in Home Depot "must" need help.

#305. Excitement over stickers from the "paint man" and Mickey Mouse paint swatches for a new matching game.

#306. Discovering my little man's sticker pressed firmly against the arm of my sweatshirt long after he's laid down for his nap and the house was still and quiet.

#307. Warmer days.

#308. Rainy afternoon naps.

#309. Little knees still baby soft.

#310. Delicious pancake breakfasts.

#311. Healthy bread rising on the counter (and more dough resting in the fridge.)

#312. Healthy(er) Homemade Chocolate Syrup. Oh so yummy!

What are you thankful for today?

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday
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  1. Love #304! ;) Beautiful list...warmer days, rainy afternoon naps. I enjoyed meeting you today!

  2. I am longing for warmer days thank GOD for he sunny day today !!! thnks for sharing

  3. I loved the snapshot of so much help for a mother with three kids in Home Depot--made me smile!

  4. little knees still baby soft - oh, the smell of a little one! My littles is 3 - scabs, bruises, and batman attire.

    have a great week!

  5. love your real list!! And i love receiving help in stores when i have the 4 kids alone... beats the mean-looks:)

  6. Such a great list today. I especially liked the finding of the sticker on your sweatshirt. Such a sweet, unnoticed kindness from a little one!!!!

    You made me hungry for homemade bread today! I can just smell it!

  7. I like #306 too. It made me smile.

    Today I am thankful for sunshine over snow and determined flowers peeking though a sparkling bed of white.

  8. Thankful for pancake breakfasts--sound wonderful.

    Followed from Ann's Multitude Monday.

    Hope you'll stop by my place,


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Tim, Allyson and kids