Good Reads ~ April 9th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: Love this idea of using a T-shirt to make a no sew diaper. Great idea for anyone to know in case of an emergency.

:: I really need to take the advice in Rachel's post How to Downsize Your Wardrobe with Common Sense. I have way too many clothes I don't like to wear. Why keep them? I'll definitely be thinking about this as I take my maternity clothes out of storage and place them into my closet.

:: I loved Eryn's reminder that sometimes our plans just don't work out and God has something bigger in mind.

Linked to Saturday Stumbles @ Simply Staci.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post on downsizing. I'm terrible at getting rid of things b/c I always think "one day I'll wear it". Ugh!

    Thanks for linking up!


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Tim, Allyson and kids