Math Mats

Have you ever heard of math mats? I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago. 

The type of math mat I'm talking about is a 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper that you use to help children practice counting.

While a lot of math mats are made to be written on and are therefore single use. I think it's a much better idea to laminateeach mat or place it in a page protector so it can be reused over and over again.

And here's an example of how to use a math mat with your child(ren).

Here's a birthday cake math mat I made. You would simply print your math mat (on cardstock) and laminateit or place it in a page protector. Then have your child pick a numbered card or roll a die to see how many candles to add to the cake.

You could either print out and laminate individual candles, use real birthday cake candles or have you child draw the candles with a dry erase marker.

Here's what your child's math mat might look like after they drew on eight candles.

Now simply wipe the mat clean or clear the objects off and choose a new number to practice with.

Here are a few math mats I've made that you can easily download from Scribd.

Have you ever used math mats like these to help with counting? I'd love some more ideas of math mats I can make.

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Tim, Allyson and kids